Aug 09, 2008 01:50
I don't think I'm used to the whole driving thing yet. I just got back from sending my sister home and I was asked to go buy some things at the gas station for some other people. Well, when I went to park, I thought I had parked the wrong way so I moved to one of the farthest spots on the parking lot. Then when I walked passed where I was just parking, I was actually parking the right way. DUH! I feel so stupid. So then I picked up the stuff and went to pay and the cashier asked me why I parked so far and I was like...I thought I parked wrong. Blah blah...then I set the keys on the counter to pay and then I just grabbed the two things I bought in each hand and left. I was already outside when I realized...I FUCKING LEFT THE KEYS ON THE COUNTER! LIKE WTF, AME!? So I went back in to grab it quickly and the cashier didn't seem to have noticed. GOD, I feel so fucking stupid! FUCKING MORON MUCH, AME? I used my sisters car so I ain't gonna tell her that I almost fucked up 'cause she'll probably say I'm stupid or something like "PAY MORE ATTENTION DAMMIT!" Sorry, I'm just not used to driving and having keys to worry about, ya know? Yeha, so uh...fuck...
My sister already said to me often times that when I drive I seem to be in my own world which is...probably right? *LOL* It's dangerous, Ame! Tsk, tsk~ I fucking scare myself sometimes! *sigh*
Sincerely, Ame
i just wanted to say...,
real life stuff