Apr 10, 2005 10:46
Friday-school was ok. basketball til 4..that was ok. got ready fo the dance.caras.then picked up alix then dance.it was ok i guess. hung out with jaime,erik,cara,alix,evan and,andy..o and kiki and wade/
satruday-got up @ 5:30 to go to springfeidl fo rmy tourniment. we lost all 3 games but it was really fun. 2 games we only lost by a basket thou. me and shannon went to the mall down there. it was really big and seemed to go on for ever. there was alot of interesting ppl there. the little kid beside us @ uno's weas learning farctions..and i mean little kid liek 4 mb and we were whoa i didnt learn thoses til liek 6th grade ha.and this girlish thing or guy we werent sure was like all over her in the gaem..i think someone formed a crush haha.teaching her brother how to get girl.the rich guy look or athelic..to bad neither worked haha. and the girl with a huge friggen ass. whoa their.she can box out good, sh eust stands there.
sunday- got home @ liek one in the morning. then slept til 2pm yay. then cleaned the bathrooom.and skatepark with paul cara ashley:/ alix and coutney and ..brendan and tim and joe and 2 dudes i didnt no..and jp i tihnk thats it. and here i am
..................ok ya i heard bout the brendan alexa thing i dont need to hear it anymore THANX......................