A A chp 9

Mar 18, 2010 21:05

Title: atmoshpere angel
Chapter:  9
Author: ameshizuku 
Genre: love?
Pairing: ShouxHiroto
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: My wish is to own them....but I do not...
Summary:  He looked up at the empty sky and scanned the blue hues until he spotted an object falling from the sky. It came closer towards the campus

Previous: http://ameshizuku.livejournal.com/17266.html#cutid1


"Aww!! Pon you're so cute!" Saga poked the younger student's cheek.

The group of five boys were at lunch eating at the usual tree that they sat at. Hiroto blushed seeing his angel return from the bathroom, the brunette gave him a shy smile. Saga raised his eyeborws looking at Pon's direction. Nao rolled his eyes pushing Saga on the head.

"Oh will you stop teasing Hiro-pon.."

The shorter blonde pouted looking at Tora. "Nao-pooh hit me!"

Tora chuckled planting a kiss on his lover's lips. "Mm... all better now ne?" Saga touched his lips and blushed nodding slightly. "Uhn! All better... arigato!" The couple nuzzled their noses and giggled.

The oldest boy made a gagging sound. Tora shot a glare at Nao. "Mou! I thought you were supposed to be the MATUIRE one Nao-san..."

Hiroto giggled at his friend's dispute. Then his giggles ceased when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked at the hand on his shoulder and blushed seeing Shou's angelic face holding an innocent smile. "You eat yet Pon?"

The brunette shook his head. "Mm... not yet.. I was waiting for you..." Shou smiled and kissed Pon's plup lips. Hiroto blushed and  looked down. Shou was giggling as he opened up his bentou to share with his lover.

After they ate, Shou tilted his head looking up at the sky, then back at his lover. "Ne Pon..." He started as Hiroto turned to look his way. "Hai?"

"What's sex?"

Hiroto's face flushed, he froze just like he always did in an awkward moment. Saga looked over just catching the word 'sex'. He smirked to sit on the other side of Shou and whispered. "Ah... Shou Shou Shou.... you want to know what... sex... is?"

The angel nodded. "H-Hai...." Saga smirked. "Mm... I'll tell you later tonight okay?" Shou smiled and nodded. "Uhn!"

"BUT!" Saga added. "You have to not say anything about the word or what we're planning okay?"

The innocent angel smiled and nodded. The blonde got up giggling and sat beside his lover. Hiroto looked away from Saga and back to Shou. "What was that all about?"

Shou smiled. "Saga's- Mm! I can't tell...." He held a finger up to his lips. Hiroto pouted. "Mou really??"

The older boy nodded. Hiroto sighed. "Oh well...."

Soon enough the bell rang and the boys had to head to their classes.

It was only two more hours that the time finally came at two in the afternoon when they left the campus. Saga was humming a little tune making eye contact with Shou just waiting to hacth out his plan that he had in his head. Hiroto narrowed his eyes at Saga, he kept his gaze there for a while as they  walked to their dorm suite. Soon enough Shou looked at Hiroto and pouted.

"Pon? You mad?"

The brunette took his eyes off Saga smiling back at Shou. "Mm... no I'm good...."

Nao opened the door and was greeted by two open arms that wrapped around his frame. "Okaeri!!" Kai smiled hugging Nao shutting his eyes taking a sweet moment of silence to hug his admirer. The oldest student blushed looking at Kai's soft hair and his small frame. He patted Kai on the back.

"H-Hai.... tadaima..."

Shou laughed. "Aw! Kai-ni is in love!"

Kai pulled away from Nao and put his hands on his hips. "SH! I wouldn't be talking you little lovebird!"

He eyed the blonde angel along with the brunette. The older angel shook his head pulling Nao in as the others followed.

"Heh! Sugoi!!"

They all buzzed looking around seeing how clean and sparkly their dorm suite was. Kai bowed and smiled. "Hai! I did this all today!"

The other's looked at his and thanked him. "Oh Hai... I also cleaned Saga-chi's room too if you didn't mind..."

Saga gaped his mouth running over to go check how his dorm was. He was dazzled as soon as he opened the door. The blonde then ran across the hall to hug Kai. "Arigato!"

Kai smiled and nodded. "Uhn!"

As soon as everything was settled, and after they all had dinner cooked by Kai, showered, and got ready for bed Saga pulled Shou away from Hiroto. "Tonight Shou and Tora will be sleeping in my suite Pon... okay?"

Hiroto tilted his head looking at Shou not wanting Saga-hentai doing anything to him. Shou looked over at Hiroto and smiled. "Is fine Pon, Shou will be okay.."

The younger boy blushed only wishing he could really trust Shou's reassurance.


the gazette, naoxkai, sagaxtora, alice nine, atmsphere angel, shouxhiroto, love, angels

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