Lisa, I'm so sorry ;^; I thought banks were not supposed to have account numbers that are so similar to each other D: Did you not notice that it didn't say "Go Lloyds" on the confirmation screen?
I feel bad now for accidentally hitting the cancel button to give you a card to do it automatically the next time when we did your first transfer together. Then you would have had all the correct information DX I'm sorry T^T I really really hope it gets sorted out and you get your money back. *hugs*
yeah,not having such similar bank numbers would make a lot of sense wouldn't it? lol I didn't notice it didn't say Go Lloyds because I HATE katakana. I was looking at the numbers to make sure they were right, and aparently I'm a little more dislexic than I thought, because they looked right to me, every time I checked. I checked over and over again, even after I knew something was wrong. I didn't figure it out until Kodama Sensei's third call. yeah.
Don't worry about the card. Not your fault. It just happened is all. I hope everything gets sorted out today too. thanks hun, *hugs*
i don't think i would be holding it together nearly as well as you seem. part of my job involves e-money transfers to not-for-profit bank accounts. the amounts are huge and all it takes is one simple mistake - even when you're very careful it happens - and then there's no undoing it, so believe me, i understand. except in your case, your personal life is affected.
i know you've got family and friends, but if you need help, i'd love to if i can. i know how screwed i would feel.
in the meantime, keeping my hopes pinned on a good turnout and the account holder agrees to return the money.
Thanks hun. I have money for here. That was money I was trying to send home to pay off student loans and stuff. I'll just start saving up again if I don't get it back... I have enough money to cover this months loan payments, and I'll send half of December's paycheck home to cover Decembers.
I hope this gets settles soon with good results! I'd like to have a happy ending. :) *hugs*
Hang in there, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. What you did was such an unbelievably simple mistake to make... I can't believe there isn't some sort of legislation in place to deal with this!!
well you know how Japan is with assigning blame and reward. This didn't really come as a surprise, although it is very dissapointing. Makes me afraid to try again. Although, Kodama Sensei offered to go with me next time and do it together lol. I think I might take her up on that. *hugs*
Hey babe, if you need to, e-mail my gmail account your current account number and I can slip you a couple of bucks. Not as much as you lost, but I know you've covered me in the past and I am willing to cover you for now too. It's what friends and family do :D
Thanks hun, I might take you up on that if I get stuck. I'm just worried about the monthly bills in Ottawa. The loans are starting to come out as of 2 days ago and I have less money that I had planned. obviously. lol I'm hoping it won't come to that though. The person who got my funds is going to be a nice person and give it back to me.
Kiyoko came over last night and chanted with me for 30 minutes for a good outcome. So hopefuly things will be fine. I should hopefully find out something today anyway.
You know I'm a firm believer in serendipity and I have no doubt that it will all end out alright for you. Glad the person is going to givei t back to you. I don't know about there but in Canada, you could have taken it to the small claims court very easily.
Comments 9
I feel bad now for accidentally hitting the cancel button to give you a card to do it automatically the next time when we did your first transfer together. Then you would have had all the correct information DX I'm sorry T^T I really really hope it gets sorted out and you get your money back. *hugs*
Don't worry about the card. Not your fault. It just happened is all.
I hope everything gets sorted out today too.
thanks hun,
i know you've got family and friends, but if you need help, i'd love to if i can. i know how screwed i would feel.
in the meantime, keeping my hopes pinned on a good turnout and the account holder agrees to return the money.
I have money for here. That was money I was trying to send home to pay off student loans and stuff. I'll just start saving up again if I don't get it back... I have enough money to cover this months loan payments, and I'll send half of December's paycheck home to cover Decembers.
I hope this gets settles soon with good results! I'd like to have a happy ending. :)
I might take you up on that if I get stuck. I'm just worried about the monthly bills in Ottawa. The loans are starting to come out as of 2 days ago and I have less money that I had planned. obviously. lol I'm hoping it won't come to that though. The person who got my funds is going to be a nice person and give it back to me.
Kiyoko came over last night and chanted with me for 30 minutes for a good outcome. So hopefuly things will be fine. I should hopefully find out something today anyway.
Thanks again hun
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