Jan 09, 2005 13:05
Your dominant intelligence is logical-mathematical intelligence.
You are great at finding patterns and relationships between things.
Always curious about how things work, you love to set up experiments.
You need for the world to make sense - and are good at making sense of it.
You have a head for numbers and math ... and you can solve almost any logic puzzle.
You would make a great scientist, engineer, computer programmer, researcher, accountant, or mathematician.
^semi-true, minus the computer programmer. ok minus all the careers actually. I wouldn't do any of those. it's all too formulaic.
minus friday night, it's been a pretty boring weekend, which I guess is a good thing (somewhat). trivial pursuit at michael's after csz(puerto ricans)- dude that game so rocks. even though me and daniel seem to like LOSE everytime.. though I think when I left we were actually beating nick and kara. yess.. did homework yesterday. well, sorta. practiced for solo/ensemble--> I can so play all the way through it.
my brother has his pinewood derby race thing today.. this should be interesting since he started working on it literally 24 hours ago..