Hm, where to begin. I think a lot you already know I don't most wholesome relationship with my dad. Anyway, it piles up and I get massive anger and things happen. Usually I sleep it off and everything is fine the next day. But this morning I was still in a negative mood, so I was like: hey why don't I write all these bad feelings, then burn it. It'll help.
So I did.
Badly, at that.
I lit the paper on fire, and as logic follows it proceeded to burn. I failed to realize that my trashcan (normally empty, since I recycle everything) had combustible and very flammable material. Having gone through years of camping experience, I put a cloth over it to smother it, it worked partly. Then the cloth proceeded to light up because I wasn't providing enough action. So half calmly I went and sacrificed my binder and put it on top of the trashcan to smother it. As I am typing this I am waiting for my dad to get the hell outta the house so I can put the trashcan outside. You can only imagine the amount of smoke that was in my room. I'm lucky he hasn't smelled it seeping through my room yet.
Moral of the story is: never light a fire you can't put out. (y)