I started on my next print O: Finally. I've been letting this sit way too long. I was going to make this 11x17 but SAI couldn't handle it for me. So in the end i'll only make 8x11 prints. if i really decide to do lots. also thanks to
e1njuwannakno for helping me with the pic in general :3 phwiii i hope it looks awesome as a finished product xD
anyway... i really should fix my sleeping schedule.. OTL start web hunting for government jobs. and start re-writing CV, start doing masters application, start asking for rec letters ... BASICALLY START LIFE.
i'm so ecstatic.
this week: school starts! and
without-reason's bday dinner on the weekend :9
Time to start more projects!! I CAN DO THIS!!! ;;@;;
i'm glad to hear good reports of Fan Expo xD maybe i can go next year too~