beyondthatsmilecomment: it's hardly a double date but I hope you enjoy it. aiaigasa!. largely influenced from the ED of ToraDora (which I do not watch). But Vanilla Salt by Yui Horie is so amazingly cute.
Dec 18th
- finished exams [2]
- exhausted
- went home instead of having a coco downtown
Dec 19th
- slept in
- work 1-9pm
Dec 20th
- work 10am - 5pm
- clean room
Dec 21st
- church
- afternoon nap
- clean
Dec 22nd
- work 10am - 1pm
- groom lili
- quickly shopped little gifts for boss and manager
- downtown as a guest to show some girls to use photoshop
Dec 23rd
- bake in the morning
- work 1-9pm
Dec 24th
- work 10-4:30pm
- christmas party at home till 11pm
- had ~30 ppl over
Dec 25th
- sleep in
- eat
- draw A LOT
- rest for the first time in a long time. :3
Dec 26th
- sleep in
- eat
- Secret Santa for acquaintances
- shopping! :D got two bras for myself at LaSenza and exfoliant and cream from Body Shop
- saw many high school friends while shopping <3
- saw exbf <3
- watched Narnia with bro
Dec 27th
- went to work late xD;;; forgot what day it was
- work 10am-5pm
- draw
- skype for hours with Connie and Jiny
- bashing DA artists lululul
Dec 28th
- church
- fall asleep at church
- sleep at home
- call work
- go to Gracey's house and watch Beauty and the Beast
A week went by way too fast. I only have one more week till school starts again! D: I didn't even go downtown to take pictures yet! and I didn't even have time to hang out with Evelyn yet D8 I'll be on slight hiatus on Jan 1, 2, and 3. Won't be online-ish. I hope everyone's having a good holiday! :D It's been so busy but enjoyable this year. x3 i can't wait to plan out new year resolutions! 8D