Jul 12, 2005 11:08
on saturday i worked out at zahnd park showing people where to park their cars...for five hours. it was pretty boring. that night john deal picked me up and took me to clark park to hang out with lana's new crowd. john and i sat on the swings the whole time and talked about everything, what ends with and E when there's only one and in S when there's more than one? goose and geese...no. cigarette and cigartettes, we had some discussions about those. on sunday i hung out with ashley, lana, liz, and kelly. we went to subway and talked to abby who was working. the ashley's dad's car died, and she wasn't supposed to be driving it. they drove abby's car to ash's house and then somehow fixed it and got it home, i don't know because i went with lana to pick andrea up from the mall and on the way lana had a craving, so she lit up in the car. when we got back to ashley's, liz and lana took kelly home, and me and ashley talked about the newest stupid thing lana's started doing. then lana had to go to dinner and liz went home, so ashley and i went to my house to swim and it was freezing, so we got out and then she went home.t-ball got rained out last night , so i got to go home early! softball will probably get rained out tonight.