I have been sick with infections. I am getting two teeth taken out do to the infection this Friday (luckly they are the very back teeth up and down.. the only problem is they normally don't recommend taking those two out because you chew with those teeth, but I need to). Everything got infected, I had really bad ear infection too and so it spread. This all could have been provented if my old dentist did something about it insted of ignoring the fact I was in pain. During the pain and sickness I have been taking days off work and it hasn't been for fun and so it sucks losing money to pay the bills.. and it's around Christmas, I still don't know what to get my friends for Christmas, I mean I am pretty low on money. My surgery is going to cost me $1200, and I had to take money out of my CD so I could have some money in my checking and savings account to pay my bills and not have to worry if I have enough money to pay the bills. One time I thought I was getting better and went to Disneyland with Jen and Lisa, only to wake up tearing pain... it was the infection, so I went back on antibiotics with some extra stuff in it and I saw a not so good movie when medication was helping (sometimes I took pain medications and it did nothing) during all of this
Four Christmases. Other things might have happend since last post.. but I really don't remember, I am getting old. :\ I am annoying myself now by complaining so much. Eeeek!