Jun 23, 2005 09:55
So let's see, a few weeks ago, I went to see Janssen and finally met Bart (who seems like he's a half-way decent guy. . . just kidding, he's awesome and I had a great time getting to know him and catching up with Janssen. . . it's like we don't see each other forever and just pick up where we left off. . . good times) since I had a free weekend and thought it might be nice to meet my best friend's fiance before they get married so I could stop the wedding if necessary, I feel that is my responsibility. . . luckily, no such drastic measures will need to be taken. I tend to like all people that Janssen like, except Dr. Laura, so I wasn't too worried.
Other than that, I was "mom" for Nate, Jared, and Nick while my dad and Mary Kaye went on a cruise with Mary Kaye's family. I got to run them all around, check their chores, keep the house clean, and believe it or not, cook (sorta). It was actually pretty fun, minus the whole never sleeping in part. They even told me I'm going to make a good mom. . . awwww. . . Oh yeah, and I painted a lot of the upstairs.
The rest of the last few weeks can be summed up by my mother being crazy and getting upset about stuff where she is way off base and making me feel like crap for all of it. So yeah.
I flew to Chicago Saturday night and stayed up late talking to Elizabeth which was fun. The next morning I went to breakfast with Ben. It was so good to see them both. . . I really don’t know how I would survive without them. Then I drove to Culver and have been going to meetings all week. I like everyone I’ve met except my the girl that’s the other assistant counselor for my deck. She’s a nice girl, but seems like she’s really self-centered, a know-it-all, stand-offish, selfish, dare I say alphabet material (gasp), and really seems to have no desire to get to know me. Oh, and she doesn’t stop talking. Does it sound like that’s the kind of person I like to be around? I think I forgot to say that everything has to be her way, which I think is what bothers me the most. So between her and my mother, I have recently been provoked to start this new thing called not letting people walk all over me. It’s a little scary, and has yet to be rewarding, probably because when I actually get my way, I always feel guilty. But I guess I just need to realize that what I want actually does matter, and while it’s good to care more about what other people want that what I want, I do that too much and some things are important enough to me that I need to stand up for myself and not let other people always say what they want. . . that, and when I don’t do anything wrong, I shouldn’t always have to be the one making sacrifices as to not inconvenience other people when it’s their own fault. So that’s that. Well, it’s not that easy for me, but I’m trying. Tami, my senior counselor, is absolutely awesome. She is just so fun, nice, organized, and has such an wonderful attitude. We’ve been setting up and organizing all the rooms, decorations, etc. which has been fun. I’ve had to do most of the writing since I have the best handwriting, and somehow I’m the most skilled on the computer (which is virtually impossible), so I’ve been helping them with that. Anyway, I’m really excited for the girls to get here, which happens tomorrow. It should be a fun next 6 weeks. I’m actually surprised at how well I’m holding up in this whole brand new environment not knowing anyone or anything thing. I usually suck at that, but I’ve been trying to have an open mind and a good attitude and it’s been working for the most part. There are some frustrations, like me doing most of the work, but that doesn’t really bother me because I’m used to it. I’m excited about getting to know Tami and the girls.
7 days!!!! Maybe. . .hopefully. . . I love you! You’re the best.