Jan 16, 2005 22:16
I watched shitload of movies today...It was a VEDY lazy Sunday...And I'm so glad we are off tommorow, so I don't have to go back to skool!
Fuck yes.
Let's see...Today I watched:
Without a Paddle (Hah...It was pretty good)
50 First Dates (Hilarious)
How to Deal (I have already seen it, but I wanted to see it again...Its such a good movie.)
Edward Scissorhands. (I just had a wierd urge to watch it...I love that movie so much.)
Shrek 2 (Another movie I love)
Drive me Crazy (Another good one)
Napolean Dynamite (Its such a stupid, but hilarious, movie...Everyone at skool keeps quoting it...Its getting to the point where its ANNOYING!)
Well...I'm gonna prolly be home all day tommorow if I don't go to Audrey's at lunch to eat pizza, since her mom will prolly order some, so you can call if you want...If I'm not here leave a message and I'll check them later. My dad saw Audrey at HEB today with a whole bunch of other girls buying tons of toliet paper...Then Audrey called when they got back to Michelle's house and asked if I wanted to go roll houses with them, but I had to say no because my father said "NO" because he "knows what they're gonna do", and he didn't want me "taking part in that unethical non-sense." He sucks, and has too big of a vocabulary. So, I betcha our house is gonna get rolled tonite, and guess who's gonna be picking it up tommorow at 7 in the morning vedy pissed and in her pajamas......ME. And if there is any toliet paper anywhere near my house, there will definatly be a 7:30 wake up to Audrey by throwing shit at the window in her room and scaring the bajeezus outta her. Revenge is so so sweet. =)
Well...I'm out.