introducing the Hardcase, Junk Knight, and Maddog

Nov 04, 2009 14:09

The MADCorp employee handbooks continue with the Hardcase, Junk Knight, and Maddog, three more fighty classes.


This guy’s been through hell and back, and he brought back a map. It’s inscribed on him in the lines of his face and the scars all over his body. He’s grizzled, is what he is, and he’s a tough nut to crack. He knows a lot about killing, and he also knows a lot about how to not get killed.


Hardcases are either beefy or wiry. It’s a 50-50 shot, so roll even/odd to determine which.


Stare somebody down.

Use this skill to give somebody a glimpse of the hell you’ve been through. He gets Harrowed. You can’t use it more than once on the same person.

Field medicine.

If you have appropriate materials, make a THINK check to do one of the following on yourself or someone else:

*            Treat Crippling or Grievous damage.

*            Amputate a limb: patient doesn’t have to ENDURE against bleeding to death unless you bust your THINK check.

*            Stabilize someone who has gone critical.

You can instruct a partner how to do one of these if you’re in no shape to, but you both have to make a THINK check. If either one of you busts, it doesn’t work.

These all take an extended time, but you can do it hastily (in moderate time) at -1, or double hastily (in quick time) at -2.

Bring someone back from hell.

When one of your buddies is panicking, you can calm him down with a THINK check.

Ignore cuts and bruises.

Make an ENDURE check to ignore the -1 penalty from having 3 minor wounds for a whole action sequence.

Walk on a broken leg.

Make an ENDURE check to ignore Crippling damage for one turn. This is an instant action.

Garrote someone.

Sneak up on someone with a MOVE check, then make a HIT check to garrote him (you must, of course, have something to use as a garrote). Once caught, the poor bastard has to ENDURE each turn, or else he’s dead. This lasts until your victim escapes (via assistance or a MOVE roll) or you stop choking him. Note that his ENDURE check to survive the strangling is an instant action; he gets to do that and struggle in the same turn.

Set up a pit trap or tripwire.

Make a THINK check to set up a pit trap (with spikes if you got ‘em), or a tripwire attached to a simple trap (such as a dead drop or a frag grenade) or an alarm. The RELIABILITY of the trap is equal to your margin.

This requires appropriate materials. It normally takes an extended time, but you can do it hastily (in moderate time) at -1.

Battlefield awareness.

You are immune to the effects of battlefield confusion. Take note that while you will never inflict friendly fire, you may still suffer friendly fire.

I’ve seen worse.

Once per job, you may cancel a mental trauma hit entirely (it doesn’t even get marked down). Even if it would have made you crack.

Desensitized to blood ‘n guts.

You never suffer mental trauma from blood, gore, or mutilation. Unless a monster does it.


Weapons: guns, knives, cudgels, bats, blackjacks, grenades.

Armor: tactical (light & heavy)

Holsters: 2


Shrug it off: +1 when checking to see if you flinch, go down, or go critical from damage.

Double grizzled: +2 when checking to see if you hesitate, panic, or suffer an ASD from mental trauma.

Mano e mano: +1 to attack or defense when fighting one on one.

Watchful: +1 to notice hidden or sneaking people.

Sneaky bastard: +1 to hide or sneak up on someone.

When You Crack

When a Hardcase cracks it, whatever demon there is inside him that he’s been drinking into submission ever since his escape from hell, well, it finally gets the best of him. Or maybe he just flashes back to ‘Nam. Whatever. Point is, the Hardcase is now like a man possessed, and will turn all his cunning and ruthlessness toward killing anybody unlucky enough to be around. Have fun looking out for tripwires!

Starting Gear

*            Casual or rugged clothes

*            Combat knife (edged short)

*            Automatic clip pistol (gun short ammo:3) and extra clips (reload x3)

*            Flask of booze w/5 drinks (cope)

Buddy Score Mods

-2 with everyone except other Hardcases. -1 with all Occult Weirdos and Specialists except Sawboneses. -1 with anyone in hip, spooky, or weird clothes.


Like the Gearhead, this guy’s got a hard-on for machinery. Unlike the Gearhead, tinkering ain’t enough for him. Nah, he’s gotta take it and, like, hurt somebody with it. I mean, why punch a guy when you can make a gadget that throws circular saws and graft it to your wrist? Right? Right?


Junk Knights are either massive or beefy. It’s a 50-50 shot, so roll even/odd to determine which.


Build a gadget weapon.

Using 20 materials, make a THINK check to build a gadget weapon with one function. If successful, its RELIABILITY is equal to your margin. If you bust, the materials are still used up, but you can scrap the failed item to salvage as many of the spent materials as you can using a skill below.

This normally takes an extended time, but you can do it hastily (in moderate time) at -1, or carefully (in double extended time) at +1.

See notes on creating gadget functions below.

Modify a gadget weapon.

Using 10 materials, make a THINK check to add a function to or improve a function of an existing gadget weapon.

This normally takes an extended time, but you can do it hastily (in moderate time) at -1, or carefully (in double extended time) at +1.

See notes on creating gadget functions below.

Modify gadget armor.

Using 10 materials, make a THINK check to add a function to or improve a function of an existing suit of gadget armor.

This normally takes an extended time, but you can do it hastily (in moderate time) at -1, or carefully (in double extended time) at +1.

See notes on creating gadget functions below.

Scrap tech for parts.

Make a THINK check to safely dismantle a machine or gadget for materials, or to scrap a broken one for materials. The point value of the materials you salvage is equal to your margin, up to a maximum decided by the Ref for the object being dismantled (in other words, you won’t be getting 15 points of materials for dismantling an electric shaver, no matter how good you roll).

This normally takes an extended time, but you can do it hastily (in moderate time) at -1, or carefully (in double extended time) at +1.

Maintain gadgets.

You can take an extended time to take care of gadgets and remove all Wear from them. This uses 1 point of materials from your toolkit per Wear box unchecked.

Repair gadgets.

Make a THINK check to repair a machine or gadget. The amount of materials necessary is equal five times the amount of Tear you want to restore.

This normally takes an extended time, but you can do it hastily (in moderate time) at -1 or double hastily (in quick time) at -2, or carefully (in double extended time) at +1. In the case of your starting gadgets and gadgets that you built yourself, no roll is necessary if you take the full extended time.


Make a THINK check to render a machine or gadget inoperable, as if it suffered Tear and busted its RELIABILITY check. This normally takes an extended time, but you can do it hastily (in moderate time) at -1, or double hastily (in quick time) at -2, or carefully (in double extended time) at +1.

Operate oldTech.

Make a THINK check to operate a known oldTech gadget, unless it’s something use to hurt people. In that case, make a HIT check.

Appraise combat gadgets.

You can appraise the worth (in cash) of any gadget used in combat. If it’s oldTech, you get -2. If you succeed on a 1-4, the Ref skews the real value by up to 10 cash. If you succeed on a 5-10, the Ref skews the real value by up to 5 cash. If you succeed on an 11 or higher, the Ref tells you the exact value of the item.

This normally takes a moderate time, but you can do it carefully (in extended time) at +1.

Identify gadgets.

Make a THINK check to identify a gadget and its function. If you’re using this on oldTech, you get -2. If the item has more than one function, you must repeat this for each one. Once you’ve identified a function, you are able to use it and to instruct others in its use.

This normally takes an extended time, but you can do it hastily (in moderate time) at -1, or carefully (in double extended time) at +1.

Instruct others in the use of a gadget.

To instruct a partner in the use of a gadget that you know how to operate, you must make a THINK check. If successful, that partner can now attempt to use that gadget, although, for complicated gadgets, the Ref may require the partner to make a THINK check when using it.

You aren’t able to explain oldTech.

This normally takes a moderate time, but you can do it hastily (in quick time) at -1, or carefully (in extended time) at +1.

Graft gadgets onto your body.

Make an ENDURE check to graft a gadget onto your own body. Grafted gadgets are +1 to use thanks to a trait below, and you also don’t have to have your hands free to use it. If you bust, the graft fails, and you take 1 severe or crippling wound (your choice).

This normally takes an extended time, but you can do it hastily (in moderate time) at -1, or carefully (in double extended time) at +1.


Weapons: big contact weapons, gadget weapons, guns.

Armor: gadget (light or heavy), clink (light or heavy), tactical (light or heavy).

Holsters: 3


Queer for gears: +1 to operate gadgets & complex machines (except oldTech)

Gears for fears: +1 to hurt someone using gadgets

Born to be wired: +1 to use grafted gadgets

When You Crack

When a Junk Knight cracks it, he will grab the nearest gadget (anything; even an electric toothbrush) and graft it to his brain. Yup, his brain. If this doesn’t kill him, he goes into kill-all-humans cyborg mode.

Notes on Creating Gadget Functions

For the most part, you’ll be making up gadget functions. As long as the Ref approves, you can let your imagination run wild. The guidelines for this are the functions you’re allowed in your starting gear below. Those aren’t the be-all end-all; they’re just something to get you started.

Starting Gear

*            Casual, hip, or weird clothes.

*            toolkit (materials:20 refill:free)

*            a gadget weapon with RELIABILITY=15; reach = shortest, short, medium, or long; base damage = +0 blunt, piercing, or edged; and one of the following functions:

o       +1 edged, piercing, or blunt damage

o       +2 edged, piercing, or blunt damage with a 1 turn cool-down or charge-up.

o       +1 for active defense

o       disarm (with a MOVE check)

o       gun damage with ammo:5 & reach shortest, short, medium, or long

o       +1 gun damage with one of the following:

§         ammo:5 and a 1 turn cool-down or charge-up, & reach shortest, short, medium, or long

§         ammo:3 & reach shortest, short, medium, or long

o       fire, electric, or energy damage with ammo:3 & reach shortest, short, medium, or long

o       +1 fire, electric, or energy damage with one of the following:

§         ammo:3 and a 1 turn cool-down or charge-up & reach shortest, short, medium, or long

§         ammo:1 & reach shortest, short, medium, or long

o       adjustable reach class on command*

o       adjustable base damage class on command*

o       hold target (with a MOVE check), as if grappled, with -1 modifier to struggle

o       guidance/targeting system: +1 to HIT

*            a suit of light gadget armor with RELIABILITY=15; 3 ARMOR points divided between the damage classes (with a max of 2 points in one class); and one of the following functions:

o       adjustable on command for 1 ARMOR against any particular damage class*

o       adjustable on command for 2 ARMOR against one of three pre-selected damage classes*

o       blades or spikes for -1 edged/piercing damage on contact

o       -1 fire, electric, or energy damage on contact with a 1 turn cool-down time

o       +1 to strength-based actions

o       +1 to speed-based actions

o       automated defense system: makes a free active defense roll at -1 when you’re attacked (once per turn), no matter what you’re doing. If you’re already defending, it will defend against a different attack this turn.

o       surveillance system: SEE +1

o       carrying capacity: ignore 1 Heavy

o       radio

*Adjusting these is not an instant action; it takes 1 turn.

Buddy Score Mods

+1 with anyone wearing the same style clothes as you. +1 with Junk Knights and Gearheads. +1 with whoever you think has the coolest gadget. -1 with all Occult Weirdos.


The bad news is, this guy’s pretty much psycho, really. He’s a cunning, ruthless, sneaky, maddog killer who likes using power tools on things that scream and bleed. He’s also on some serious drugs. The good news is, thanks to MADCorp, he can live this lifestyle to the fullest without being interrupted by petty annoyances like, say, electric chairs. Or maybe that’s the bad news. It’s certainly the bad news for the people on the other side.


Maddogs are either beefy or wiry. Roll even/odd to determine which.


Murder someone helpless or unsuspecting.

Make a HIT check to murder someone. A successful murder kills the victim outright. The Ref must judge the prospective victim as helpless or unsuspecting. Someone who has panicked or gone down or gone critical is automatically helpless, and anyone that you sneak up on or hide and lie in wait for is automatically unsuspecting. On a bust, they notice you before you can do it, and you’re in a normal combat situation. Helpless victims don’t require a roll.

You are +1 to murder if you use some dangerous feature of the surroundings, such as high-voltage wires, heavy machinery, or pointy things suitable for impaling. (See also the Slasher trait below).

Witnessing a murder inflicts mental trauma. Partners are Spooked, except your buddies; they’re kindof used to it, but they still think you’re a fuckin’ psycho. Enemies are either Spooked, Harrowed, or Horrified, depending on how brutal the Ref judges your murder to be.

Make a nasty weapon.

With appropriate tools & materials, you can make your own nasty weapons. Make a THINK check to do this. If successful, the weapon’s RELIABILITY is equal to your margin. Its base damage is normal (+0, or brawl+1 if it’s classed as improvised). For especially nasty and brutal designs, the Ref may award an extra +1 damage, but this bonus only counts if the weapon is used by you or another Maddog.

This normally takes an extended time, but you can do it hastily (in moderate time) at -1, or carefully (in double extended time) at +1.

Walk on a broken leg.

Make an ENDURE check to ignore the effects of crippling damage for one turn. This is an instant action.

Saw off your own damaged limb, and other home surgery.

Make an ENDURE check to perform do one of the following on yourself:

*            Amputate a limb: if you bust this check, you still get to do the standard ENDURE check for bleeding out.

*            Treat Grievous, Severe, or Crippling damage.

Where the fuck did he come from?

Once per job, you can vanish from sight and reappear just where you are least expected - perfect for getting the drop on people who panic and run away, so that you can try to murder them. Anyone that you surprise using this is Spooked, also.

Desensitized to blood ‘n guts.

You never suffer mental trauma from blood, gore, or mutilation. Unless a monster does it.


If you’ve got a scary mask, or you’re covered in blood, you can use this skill to Spook someone. You can’t use it more than once per person in the same action sequence.

Drug tolerance.

You can self-administer one dose of hard drugs without overdosing. However, if you have more than one active dose at a time without successful supervision or instruction from a Croaker, you overdose.

Connection for hero, flash, slide, krush, and perk.

You have a connection to score drugs from on your own time. Your supply of 10 hits of drugs replenishes at the start of every job. They don’t carry over between jobs, however, because you used them all to get high in the downtime.


Weapons: knives, bats, crowbars, axes, improvised weapons, power tools, and anything tagged as nasty.

Armor: light street

Holsters: 2


Shrug it off: +1 when checking to see if you flinch, go down, or go critical from damage

Slasher: +1 to attack or murder with a nasty weapon

Grizzled: +1 when checking to see if you hesitate, panic, or suffer an ASD from mental trauma

Resourceful: +1 when looking for a hiding place or finding something to use as a weapon

Slippery bastard: +1 when outrunning someone through winding/convoluted passages, when slipping past someone, or when struggling.

Sneaky bastard: +1 when sneaking or hiding.

When You Crack

When a Maddog cracks it, he goes completely homicidal and will try to kill everyone around him. And he won’t just be berserk about it; he’ll be just as cunning and sneaky as always.

Starting Gear

*            casual, badass, rugged, or weird clothes

*            10 hits of hard drugs, in any combination of the following:

o       hero (drug:ENDURE+1)

o       krush (drug:HIT+1)

o       slide (drug:MOVE+1)

o       flash (drug:THINK+1)

o       perk (drug:SEE+1)

*            one of the following:

o       baseball bat or crowbar (blunt medium)

o       switchblade (edged shortest pocket)

o       wood ax (edged medium)

o       hatchet (edged short)

*            one of the following:

o       chainsaw (edged+1 medium nasty big noisy gas:10)

o       power drill (piercing+1 short nasty noisy battery:10)

o       circular saw (edged+1 short nasty big noisy battery:10)

o       sawed-off shotgun (gun short nasty ammo:1) & box of shells (reload x10)

o       nailbat (blunt medium nasty)

o       light street armor

o       scary mask

Buddy Score Mods

-3 to everyone.

rpg design, madcorp

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