Jun 23, 2004 23:04
I could learn Greek faster then this website loads...
Work is busier then ever. 9 hr days are the norm, looks like weekends are in store too. Got a good check this week, grossed over 1100. Big ass snaps for Ben! :) Get these bills paid off and then Im going to treat myself to something kick ass.... a motorcycle! I've been researching them and getting some stuff together. I figure I'll pick up an older Honda for the summer, something I wont freak out over wiping out, heaven forbid.(knock on wood) We'll see how time progresses, but this will be my learner... then move up to something alittle more my style, I hear those Chedderheads really know how to make a solid bike :evilgrin:
So, whats to do besides work and spoil myself rotten? Maybe share the wealth with someone....
Oh, I did see a good lookin woman at Best Buy the other day. Was going to comment her on her check book cover, but she was in a different lane (blast). Seems like when my mind is focused I can take in all sorts of details. Checkbook cover, lip stick color, make/model/color of car. Exhaust, tint... eek Im stalking a stranger, lol.