Jun 29, 2008 01:46
Rachel had two birds in her apartment today. They came in through the vent where the washer/dryer would go, however due to the fact that she does not have a said washer/dryer, they just sort of set up shop in there and wham bam they came out today. So I got to see if I can get them out of the vent only to find that they had already freed themselves and actually got themselves stuck behind rachel's dresser, so I see one flapping around when I move the dresser so I tell rachel to make sure that she opens the door because he was coming her way, and sure enough there he flew, up up and away. Well then I another chirppy chirp, and I look and there is a ready to fly baby bird. Except he has himself stuck behind the water cooler, so I have to pull him out and his wing was broke so the poor fella couldn't fly away, and we didn't know what to do with him. So we called around and every one seemed to want to kill the damn bird, but thanks to my Mom and Samantha's friend Sydney we fed the bird bread and he has a home to go to tomorrow so he's not in a box chillin' until tomorrow when he will go and find himself a nice home and live his life as a happy, not dead or stuck in Rachel's closet like R. Kelly, bird. Of course the stupid bird wouldn't eat at first so I screamed and cussed and called it all kinds of names but in the end he turned out to be an ok guy. Well then we brought him in to feed him again tonight, and I had on Rachel's mom gloves and fed "George" his food, and then I put my other hand on top of him and he fell asleep, well he had me at tweet. That bird was so freakin' awesome. He's so tiny and cute and helpless, but when we all sang to him he fell asleep in my hand, soooo cute. Anyways, we cooked out, we went swimming and I swam under the water (which if you didn't know, I couldn't swim under the water so this is a great achievement for me . All in all not a bad day. Saving birds, eating food, and swimming, I'd say that it was a triple threat of awesomeness. Ok that's all I got. Goodnight!