May 06, 2008 21:02
Please note:
I am not writing this to discourage anyone from quitting smoking. If you want to, awesome. I'm just doing what I occasionally do, which is bitch.
7 PM marked 72 hours without a cigarette. Here's the timeline, for those of you who didn't hear:
Friday: Took 1 Chantix.
Saturday: Take 1 Chantix in the morning. Smoked 3 cigarettes. Last one at 7 PM at the Firehouse.
Late Saturday: Insomnia begins. Sleeping is sprodic at best. Took 1 Chantix.
Sunday morning: Can't move without pain in joints. In and out of sleep with feelings of both fevers and chills. Took 1 Chantix.
Sunday night: All of the above, with the addition of dehydration, sore throat, ear aches and headaches. Took 1 Chantix and aspirin, which provides no relief.
Monday morning: No change. Miss work. Take 1 Chantix and aspirin.
Monday afternoon: Go to see Doctor. Tells me to discontinue Chantix. Does HORL tests and tells me that either the Chantix is causing it, or triggered a URI.
Monday night: No change in pain. Take 1 heavier pain pill. Pain diminishes. I sleep, crappy still.
Tuesday morning: I take one more heavy pain pill and go back to sleep. Pain still in joints. Wake up at eleven, feeling much better, and go into work.
Tuesday night: Pain is minimal. Cravings for cigarettes are also minimal. I have officially made it three days without a cigarrette, and without dying (har har).
My overall verdict is the last few days sucked, but were worth it. I really don't want to go through that shit again either, so I'm pretty sure I'll be with it. I truly think I was one of the unlucky few with these side effects.