Jun 05, 2006 15:56
a have a new joy in my life.
Maine Conservation Corps is dedicated to the following:*Accomplish natural resource projects with long term public benefit, inpartnership with public and non-profit organizations.*Provide job training, education, and work opportunities, especiallyfor the economically disadvantaged.*Provide conservation education.*Promote and manage volunteer opportunities related to naturalresources.--MCC has been serving scores of communities, parks and public landsfor over 20 years. 8 or more teams serve during the summer season. MCCis one of the largest trail building organizations in the EasternUnited States and builds more non-motorized trails than any otherorganization in Maine. MCC teams provide service to the wildernessareas of the Appalachian Trail. Controlling erosion with rock steps andwaterbars is a important part of MCC's work. Teams also build majortimber bridges and construct smooth paths accessible to wheelchairs.MCC offers AmeriCorps members many opportunities to learn stone work,chainsaw skills, safe use of power tools and a wide range of trailbuilding skills. Many MCC alumni continue to work on trails at parksand forests throughout the Country. CC/AmeriCorps members do the following:Live in some of Maine^s most beautiful placesLearn trail building and outdoor skillsBuild experience in Natural ResourcesImprove fitnesss through rugged and satisfying outdoor service.Live and serve in 6 person Teams Build trails, bridges, stone steps and walls, and gravel walkways -- plus much more
To serve as Construction Site Assistants for the Hartford affiliate ofHabitat for Humanity, building homes in partnership with families inneed. Work with volunteers, crew leaders, construction management team,partner families and the community on the construction of simple,decent homes. Site Assistants will be the first line of “ambassadors”to the mission of Habitat for Humanity, as well as for the Hartfordaffiliate and the Hartford community in general. They will model anethic of service for others to follow and will be an integral part inexpediting the construction process for the affiliate. The Construction Site Assistant will assist in the construction of 17new homes with 17 new partner families and 7,000+ volunteers. Will workwith Construction Department staff to develop weekly workplans,coordinate the ordering and delivery of tools, building materials, etc.to and from worksite as needed. The Site Assistants will also helpmaintain the affiliate warehouse. Site Assistants will lead crews ofvolunteers on Saturdays in construction related projects, reporting allinjuries, successes, etc. to proper supervisors.A more complete description is available by contacting the affiliate.
York Habitat for Humanity was established in 1985 and has been able toprovide simple, decent homes to 77 families, enabling 275 men, womenand children the opportunity to realize their dream of owning a home oftheir own. Families are selected and required to commit to 200 hours ofsweat equity per adult prior to moving into their new home. With asmall staff, York Habitat relies on the commitment of many volunteerswho serve on committees; work on the construction site and who areadvocates for eliminating poverty housing in York County. This position is for a Summer Associate. The ten week program is tosupport our annual Build A Thon in which the Summer Associate will leadand direct all aspects of an accelerated build- 2 homes will be builtwith the help of over 500 volunteers. The SA will work with theconstruction supervisor to coordinate material deliveries, set upprocedures for future Project Managers of the Build A Thon.
Now the question is which should i pick.