Oct 16, 2005 00:50
Something beautiful happened today, something wonderful happened today, something amazing happened today-my best friend was married! Mazel Tov to her and her husand! Our friendship began ages ago (Spring 2002 to be exact) It all started with a comment about my reliving high school and it has ended up with me tearing up at her wedding. This journey with this person has been amazing-the ups and downs all chances for me to grow as a person and grow with a friend. Our connection is deep but she met someone whos connection went so much further. They went past the boundaries of friendship, they surpassed the boundaries of love, and they found the super nova of all feelings which is they found each other. Their perfectness together is remarkable and their love for one another is just amazing. They are both my friend and they both mean so much to me. Our journey as two single people ended today with her joining a new journey and beginning in a new cycle of life. This new cycle was not realized by me until I was coming home from the wedding. She will not be a Mrs. , she will now become a mother, she will now be a wife, she will now have a joined life with someone. A life of seeing your spouse in the evenings when you both get home from work, a life of not taking your Friday evenings for granted, and a time when you no longer can be selfish but rather a sharer. Their new life will take them to many places but the undeniable fact is that they are part of the life cycle. They will have children, they will have grand-children, they will share love, fears, hopes, despair, sadness, happiness, grief, struggle, fun times, and the mack daddy unconditional love, they will grow old together and they will die-their life will be full and their hearts will grow. Their cycle will be that of many who have come before and will be given to all those who come after. It is the cycle of one's life-(birth-parental support-independence-life sharing experiences-careers-memories-children-grandchildren-more memories-settling down-retiring-sickenss and health-and then finally eternal rest). I ask G-d from the bottom of my heart that their life be rich in feelings, relationships, and memories-I ask that they take their relationships further so they will last longer. May they live long years and prosper-Mazel Tov Mandy and Corey-I love you both-:)