new fic, small diversion

Mar 08, 2008 12:10

Shit! TODD. Why are you so FANTASTIC, Todd? TODD.

HE DIES IN A GLORIOUS SHINING MOMENT WITH RONON. I might! Not be able to handle! How fantastic Todd is!

Seriously, that was an entire scene of real-life squee over here. Ronon! And Todd! The fight where they end up with Ronon's sword at Todd's throat and Ronon says, "Force of habit," and Todd, with his knife at Ronon's innards, says, "Indeed," AND I DIED OF GLEE. When Todd says, "Are we done here?" with that little... fuck, I don't even know, Wraith-y smile, and Ronon smiles sadly, but also kinda happily because he got his men out and they're going to take out this fucking complex, and says, "Yeah," and detonates the C4! At last they respect and understand one another and they kind of smile at one another and THEN THEY DIE. GLORIOUSLY.

(If this had been "real" timeline and not "future timeline which will now be avoided", I would be way upset. Because Ronon! Todd! Dead?? No. But since this episode was basically a second verse challenge entry, it's OK for me to squee unreservedly over it.)

I think I have a problem, guys. A Todd problem. Which, OK, I also have a Sheppard problem and a McKay problem and a Ronon problem (lots of people are gonna be writing Todd/Ronon now, right? RIGHT??) and possibly a whole panoply of other problems, but it's the Todd problem that I'm pretty sure makes me crazy.

Why must this show, with its occasional asinine writing, have such marvelous characters? It's like cocaine-- so bad for you, yet so good, and so addictive.

I don't think there's any cocaine fanfic out there though, which... is probably for the best.

(Pittsburgh Pirates/cocaine OTP?)

And anyways, why can't one of those characters be Teyla? I feel like I would love to write Teyla, because she could be such an awesome character, but... there's just not that much to work with, there, because the Teyla canon is not that great. Why is that? I'm not sure. I think part of it is that whenever, say, Sheppard or McKay has ~~internal turmoil~~ it's at least sort of complex. With Teyla it pretty much always boils down to: a) she's Athosian or b) she's a woman. Like, those are her personality traits. Annoying!

I mean, I get how those could be big parts of her personality, because she's dealing with a situation where there are lots of non-Athosians and lots of men, but... Sheppard is a leader of his people, kinda like Teyla, and a kickass fighter, kinda like Teyla, but he also likes Ferris wheels and college football and things that go more than 200 mph and Rodney McKay and big guns and ridiculous sunglasses. What does Teyla like, other than 'her people not being tortured/culled/otherwise maimed or killed'? Ummm.... tea? Meditation?

You see what I mean?

Anyways, digression. It was annoying that Teyla wasn't in the season finale, like, at all (although I'm not sure of the timing... maybe Rachel Luttrell was having the baby while they were filming? Or am I giving the writers too much credit there?).

I couldn't decide if I loved or hated the fact that Michael's, um, Texan accent was bleeding back through (is he becoming more human again? and, I'm sorry, I still think TRIP TUCKER first every time I see him).

Sam was fuckin' badass (more of this badass SGA-style-yet-all-leadery-now Sam in the show, writers!).

Old-Rodney was sort of meh (he couldn't have programmed the hologram to look younger? Could he at least have done it without the old-man-cardigan?), and I kind of strongly dislike Keller which I think is related to the fact that I'm not overly fond of Jewel Staite's acting in the first place (although Keller/McKay at least makes marginally more sense than McKay/Katie. I still don't have to like it), but the fact that Rodney spent 25 years of his life working non-stop to bring John back home was amazing (yeah yeah, I know it was for everyone, and to save Keller too, and blah blah blah. He spent 25 years working to bring John home. The end).

I kind of wish there had been more than, like, two seconds of Kate Hewlett (because the Hewletts together are great).

And are we to assume that they just left Carson in a pod when they all left Atlantis or what (c'mon writers, you addressed that just last week, surely you didn't forget so soon!)?

But mostly RONON AND TODD!!

So, shit, anyways, I finished up The other side of kindred for the "not dead yet" challenge at sga_flashfic, and now I'm back to working on the request fics again. It is exciting to be able to write this much again! What the hell happened to me last year, seriously?

(Oh, right, Front Offices happened to me. Why did I ever think that would be a good idea?)
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