Mariah Carey Night

Apr 16, 2008 17:41

David A - Leather Pants? Really? A falsetto? Surely, you jest? With those 2 things counting for 5% of something "new" from Mr. A, it was still 95% the same as every week he has been on the show. He NEEDS to do something different and needs to pull it off. I'm just waiting for the judges/ producers to turn on him when they realize he can only pull off ballads and really nothing else, that while HE may be marketable, his style is not. Taylor Hicks anyone? And come on, as much as I dislike David, he is better than Taylor, he just needs to really show it. Still, it goes without saying safe

Carly - It was good, better than last week, but thats not saying all that much. What happened to her? She started off pretty well and lately, she is really just falling apart. She partially brought it back this week, but I dont think it was enough to keep her out of the Bottom 3. I think she realizes she is no longer a front runner and its taking its toll on her.

Syesha - I thought it was going to be so boring, and I was surprised. She was really good tonight, and forgive me while I channel Paula here, but she looked good too. Except her hair was too glittery. I dont think she should leave tonight, but she doesn't have a huge following and didn't get a whole hell of a lot of praise from the judges, so she'll be in the Bottom 3 again

Dear Brooke, Why not have someone else play the piano while you sit/stand/whatever nearby? We KNOW you can play the piano, and you're in the Top 7 of American Idol, so clearly a lot of people realize you CAN sing, and we all know you can do both together, but give it a rest already. It would have worked better if you had just been on stage with someone else playing the piano. Then we would not have noticed how badly you were shaking, which btw, wtf was up with that? Nerves? At this stage? Well, anyway, it wasn't good, sorry Brooke. I do not know what happened to you. I was never really one of your fans, on certain nights you were good, others not so much, and lately, its been a lot of the former. You need to get it together if you wanna stay on the show. You must have talked to some people cause you weren't as chatty/ annoying with the judges as usual. I think you may go home tonight, at least Bottom 2. Having ranted and bashed, I need to add that I felt completely terrible for you when Simon said the things he said. You looked like someone just told you your puppy was crushed in a tragic Industrial accident.

Kristy Lee - I actually said "Oh come on! Let's get to KLC already!" during Brookes critique. Wow, whats wrong with me? I actually thought she was decent tonight. Is this the same show we have been watching or is this an alternate-reality Idol? Wow. I am not a fan of good ol' KLC, but I think that she should stay over certain contestants based on last night, or hell, even the past few weeks.

David Cook - I like David Cook, I do. I don't love him, or hate him, or think he's Chris Daughtry all over again or want him in bed, no, none of that. I think he's a good performer, and as a friend pointed out, he seems to be the most marketable at this stage with the best chance of coming out with an album. I think Randy said that too, but whatever to that. I know he's our rocker this year, but I dont like how he at least screams one note in every song. We get it, we do, and if some don;t, they should by now. I dunno, he's destined for Top 2 at this point with no chance of even Bottom 3.

Jason Castro - I will say it again, and every week I do these reviews, but his personality just kills me, in a completely positive way. I really want him to come over and hang out (read: smoke some and play his little guitar...or not, whatever). I am glad he did well, especially since he follow DC which most view as one of/if not the best of the night. Jason just does his thing. And the use of the small band on stage is what Brooke should have done. Jason Castro FTW. Or not, cause lately, the winners have been not so stellar.

Bottom 3:


WILL Go Home:

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