Nov 25, 2004 12:31
H A P P Y -- T U R K E Y -- D A Y -- E V E R Y O N E !!
Hey guys, it's Thanksgiving. I haven't written in here in soo long. I'm just waiting for the family to show up. Not for another half hour... what to do, what to do.
Soo... vacation so far has been awesome. I haven't really done much, movies @ Nate's, flag football, and movies @ Ashley's. But it was all fun. Watched Dawn of the Dead... odd movie. Haha. And at Ash's we watched Baseketball, yet another time. We seem to watch that movie non-stop like everytime, but it never gets old. I still love it just as much. Oh yeah, and I saw part of Super-size Me, but not much. Maybe someday I'll see the whole thing.
I've listened to a lot of music too. But that's pretty much what I do everyday, so it's pretty sweet. My family gets annoyed, they hate my music. Except for my stepdad, but I always have it playing. Too bad for them.
Hmm... tomorrow- Drifter's ... Sunday- mall I think. But I have no cash so I'm not really sure how that's going to fly. I gotta fit homework in there somewhere. I can't wait until Sunday to do it. That might suck a little bit.
Hopefully my friend from Mass is coming up tonight and probably staying until early Saturday. So yeah everyone--if we all do something. We have to include her. Keep that in mind...haha.
<3Whitney XoXo