Ok, now I know what an absolute whiney bitch i'm about to sound like, but I have quite the predicament.
I am planning on visiting Denmark sometime in August, and EVERY SINGLE MUSICAL ACT in the entire WORLD that I would like to see at this point in time (and some of them being absolute musts before I die kind of thing) will be playing in the country of Denmark August 13th and 14. The problem *IS* that they are spread out across two different days, with the same times, on different ISLANDS of the country. Now Denmark isn't that big, but each act I want to see is 2-3 hours from another. I give you the list ranked in order of importance.
1) The Prodigy - Saturday Evening, 3.5 hour away from Copenhagen
2) Anastacia - Sunday sometime, Jutland, 2.5 hours away from my (old) house
3) Nik & Jay - Saturday Evening, IN Copenhagen
4) Blue Foundation - Sunday somtime, Jutland, 2.5 hours away from my (old) house
5) Joss Stone - not listed yet.
Ok ok you say, so go to the sunday one, with both blue foundation and anastacia? BUT THE TICKETS TO THE EVENT ALONE ARE 500 KR!! $100!! And they're at a festival, so they may be time-slotted right next to each other, or they could be at complete opposite ends of the day....
and my other problem is PRODIGY!!! HOLY SHIT PRODIGY!!
But then oh oh oh, nik and jay. Normally this would be no contest, but have you *SEEN* nik & jay?! *swoOoOoOon*
www.nikogjay.dk "Heeeejjjjj! Ya haeder ashleigh og ya komma fra USA!! Dig mi bed ja?" You me bed yes? hahah yum.
And what I find absolutely hysterical about this, is that I haven't been to a concert in, oh, say 2 years, and everyone that I woudl ever want to see in the entire world (notice they are all european) is in one fucking weekend, in one TEENY TINY country.
Irony at its best.