Meme from
mercy_angel_09 1. Comment with "DON'T SAY GOOD-BYE!"
2. I will give a letter.
3. Post the names of five fictional characters and your thoughts on each.
1) Nathan Wournos - Haven: I love Nathan, I really do. He's a man who truly cares about the people around him, and keeps trying to be calm and rational despite the irrational circumstances. And I admire the fact that he's stayed pretty much sane despite his affliction. I wouldn't wish that on anyone! If only he could come out of his shell a little more then we could see the fun guy that he can be.
2) Nick Sparagmos - The Hollows Series: Initially, he seemed like a fun, likable guy, but soon his character began to sour as he repeatedly betrayed his girlfriend's trust to her worst enemy. Maybe he loved her in his own way, but seriously? It's one thing to breakup with a witch because her magical dealings are too much for a mere human to handle. It's another thing to sell her out and then leave her to clean up the mess.
3) Dr. Neil McNeil - Christy: I think that if I were to have met Dr. McNeil I honestly wouldn't know what to think. He's an enigmatic character who makes Christy constantly question her ideals and beliefs. Not always because he doesn't believe in them but because he wants to push her to see if she's the right person for the job. He has a great sense of love and pride for his homeland and his people and works nonstop to try to improve their lives.
4) Lucrezia Noin - Gundam Wing: I can sympathize with Noin a great deal as she is often torn between what she wants to do and what she needs to do. The poor woman is in love with a man who hardly seems to give her the time of day and is forced to fight in a war in an effort to obtain the peace she so desires. She may be haunted by the memory of the past, but don't let that fool you. Noin is more than a little capable of kicking ass should the need arise.
5) The Knights Who Say "Ni" - Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Seriously, what's more awesome than a bunch of guys standing in the woods shouting the one word that makes people cringe? Not a whole lot! And the only payment that they request? A shrubbery! Stand aside Black Knight! You have met your match.
Okay, so I REALLY struggled coming up with characters for this. Who knew that there were so few people whose names started with the letter "N"? But all in all this was still a lot of fun!