I want these words to make things right, but it's the wrongs that makes these words come to life

Aug 24, 2007 12:53

I started a new diet and exercise regimen yesterday. I'm eating almost nothing but Lean cuisine and Slim-fast, which is tantamount to eating nothing but flavored cardboard and watered down chocolate milk, but Slim-fast has worked for me in the past and lean cuisine is one of the better tasting diet food products.

As far as exercise, I'm walking all over the place. Last night I walked to Northridge and then downtown before I returned home. I'm also doing the basic core workout of sit-ups, push-ups, cobra stretches and a little bit of pilates.

Hopefully before to long I'll start to look less like this,

And I'll finally look like this:

And on another unrelated note, I am not and was not angry at any one specific person or even named persons before I left. I was rather, mad at a collective selfishness that had seemed(I hope not anymore) to fall over our merry band of misfits. So in essence, I was angry with everyone's uncharacteristic leanings of late, including my own, for I've behaved just as poorly as anybody else. So I left with intentions to clear my head and hopefully allow all of you to clear your own. If you feel you were not acting selfishly or unnecessarily self involved, you might not have been, this was only a general mood I was getting from a great deal of people and you may not have been one, but really self evaluate and look back over the past few weeks or so and be sure. I know I did, and I'm in a lot better mood and I apologize for any action or decision I made that offended you (Including my rather frank and abrupt departure messages). So you can all stop ostracizing me now if you want, if not I understand.

I'm ready to make this year a good one.
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