Fill it out cause well i wanna see what you all say !!
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. Am I loveable?
3. How long have you known me?
4. When and how did we first meet?
5. What was your first impression?
6. Do you still think that way about me now?
7. If I was an ice cream flavor, which would I be and why?
8. Do you think I'll get
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2. Am I loveable? Fo sho
3. How long have you known me? Well, i think a while, but i just started talking to you maybe..2 weeks ago?
4. When and how did we first meet? Idunno you IMed me, but at shool i guess.
5. What was your first impression? Hmm...
6. Do you still think that way about me now? nah
7. If I was an ice cream flavor, which would I be and why? Strawberry cause your good like that
8. Do you think I'll get married? mos def
9. What makes me happy? ****[wink wink]
10. What makes me sad? **** [ugly ho bag]
11. What song (if any) reminds you of me? none i can think of
12. If you could give me anything what would it be? true love with the boy of your dreams
13. Do you consider me a good friend? Getting there. =)
14. When's the last time you saw me? Like a week ago?
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Not really.
16. Would you make a move on me? HAHAHAHA. no.
17. Describe me in one word. Lovelyandamazing.
18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same? stronger!
19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen? fo sho
20. Do I cross your mind at least 2 times a day? well when i see you.
just because matt doesn't like you doesnt mean you should go intrude on someone eles relationship.
they're happy leave them alone.
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