
Nov 02, 2004 11:15

Well, I am moved!

I can't even begin to express how much I love it here. Just LOVE IT! So quiet and peaceful, and my neighbors so far are great. One very nosy older lady, but I can live with nosy. It's good for knowing if anything is up, she'd either be over with a baseball bat or call the police. A nice young man next door with two dogs.

And best of all? Sunday, another neighbor dropped by to welcome me to the neighborhood, and to see if I was registered to vote (yes I am, since the day I turned 18...highly stressed growing up that not only is this a wonderful thing, but it's my responsibility as a good American). My neighbor two houses down: a state representative! He's been that for nine years, well established, very popular. YES! I couldn't ask for a more perfect neighbor and I'm SUPER excited about that. One of the hats I wear is as an activist, and I have two bills I want introduced into the Illinois House. Now I have a neighbor who can help me. So my head is spinning on that, getting to know him, slowly informing him on some issues, then asking for his help.

Before I forget, two messages:

Good luck to Bunny and Banshee on their moves! Hey, it sucks, it's hard work, but you'll be in heaven once it all smooths out. Heaven! And one tip (maybe you know this, but it escaped me): have a special designated box/bag where you put your last minute items, and DO NOT LET GO OF THAT BOX/BAG: phone & cord, aspirin & medication, things you consider essential. I had that box going, but it got mixed in during the move and took forever to find it.


My best friend, in Texas, has SEVEN INCHES OF SNOW!!!! I'm so jealous. Seven inches. She told me yesterday she wasn't going to vote, because she hates Bush (she's a Texan, and worked in the Dept of Mental Health and Retardation, and he screwed programs up), and she doesn't trust or like Kerry. So I said, if you really dislike both, then vote Nader, even though I think Nader is a con artist. Or vote for the communist or libertarian or SOMEONE. JUST VOTE. She said she would not, so I told her that if she didn't vote, then I didn't want to hear even one complaint over the next four years about the administration. Not one. She didn't understand that at all, but I was serious. However, now she has a pass because of the snow. hahaha. She can't get out in that. (though if it were me, I'd be calling my new neighbor and saying, hey, I can't get out to vote, and bet he'd have someone here to drive me or clean my driveway...but I'll give her a pass on this.)

My cats are now happy as clams. They LOVE the house, just love it. I haven't let them go into the basement yet. D would never come out...he loves places like that, esp. if there are cobwebs. Jack pooed in the car from fright, but fortunately on a towel, during the drive. Both boys were very freaked out during the ride. I'm sure D thought he was headed to the vet for an anal squeeze, and my poor boy Jack thought it was the end. Bless his heart. Rides freak him out so much, because his last big ride was cross country during his rescue. In the pet bus. (I still owe you *that* story, Bunny...it's a doozy, but such a happy ending for Big Jack and all of us)

They love the hallway, chasing each other up and down, sneak attacks around the corners. That's their favorite place. I had no hall in my apt. But took them a couple of days to really come out of hiding and start feeling relaxed.

I don't have my DSL hooked up yet. Dialup, but at least during the packing I found my 56k modem. The last few days at the old place I was using a 288 modem, which was SLLLLOW. I want to first paint my desk, then hook everything up right. So right now, I'm on bare bones and even my sound card is dislodged, so no sound. (It happens every time I move the tower, nothing new) That's today's plan.

I moved officially last Monday. The movers came, but then every day was spent at the apt. cleaning, vacuuming, etc. Still had some to do, and it took longer than I expected. I wanted it spotless so they couldn't try and keep my deposit. My uncle (BLESS HIM) helped, and brought his wet/dry vac. Then my mom came for a couple of days, my family had their annual Halloween party, and so on, so I'm just now having time to start unpacking and get things right here. But now I can finally start saucifying this place.

EVERYTHING took longer than I expected. I am the biggest underestimator of how long things take.

But the worst is over. I'm moved. I'm happy as a child on Christmas morning, my catboys are happy. It's so QUIET here. And every wonderful adjective you can think of.

Plus I have all winter to plan my flowers and garden for the spring.

Ohhh, the one casualty: my herb pot. :( My uncle was helping me gather up my outside containers, and I said I wanted to keep my giant hibiscus, etc. etc. and my herb pot, and then dump the tomatoes, and a few other things. But he misheard me and dumped the herbs. I was crushed because I had so much lavender in it that I wanted to dry and hang, not to mention sage, thyme, curry (sniff, sniff, I LOVED that curry plant), rosemary and a few other things. Still have the pot, but my herbs are gone.

Now I must go VOTE! Then get started putting things away and paint my desk...
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