First post of 2010: featuring the last drawings of 2009.
(Doughnuts 'n' Darjeeling: the only kind of DnD I can commit to. (
I spent my last chunk of 2009 in Olde Seattle Towne, hanging out with the consistently awesome
superdaintykate, and
thespus, first over spicy chais at Mr. Spots (thanks for the recommendation, Rosie-- we missed you!) and thence over the most epically vegetated bloody maries at King's Hardware. During this otherwise festive occasion
calamityjon shared the worst story I've ever heard about a koala*. The worst. I'm still thinking about it. Thank you,
calamityjon. <3
Despite the koala horror, a small quantity of actual art was created. Coasters (
large) from King's: Happy Shrew Year from me, some sort of liquor dragon by
calamityjon, Bloody Mary Goblin by
thespus. (bigger)
I was already approaching dangerous festivity levels by this point, but managed to transfer from Ballard to downtown and meet up with longstanding best friend Katrina for a private tour of her hott new research facilities (including naked, wriggling male nematodes, a special treat given how hemaphroditic they normally are) and martinis at Chapel. A New Year's that includes both cartooning and microscopy is already going well, right?
We then walked up to Katrina's Cap Hill abode, passing a music store where I finally made the neither-sober-nor-rational decision to invest in
ol' Bob's gutteral, emphysematic holiday efforts. I know, friends don't let friends buy Christmas in the Heart, but best friends don't pass judgment on you for your abominable taste in elderly musicians. Katrina: the best.
2009 had some great travel (Western Australia, NYC, Chicago, Kakadu, New Zealand... twice) and delicious research experiences (particle accelerator), but the bulk of it was spent on coccinellid labwork and incoherent frustration with how sparse my social life is in Canberra yet how there is still never enough time to complete all the taxonomy, phylogenetics, and iridescence projects I have stacked up.
Pity the poor immigrant, I guess? Anyhow, resolutions:
-Publish publish publish. Starting with that molecular phylogeny of leiodids, thence to iridescence and neopelatopine systematics. Neopelatopines, I am coming for you.
-Reconnect with the Canberra cartoonists' league, even if this means having to go through the face-books.
- Visit Tasmania, get specimens of the flightless putative agyrtodine known to lurk there.
Here's wishing all you folks in LJ-land and the greater blogosphere a happy, healthy, and productive 2010! May it be heaps better than aught-nine.
*surprisingly, not the worst story I've heard about a marsupial