
Apr 27, 2009 11:43

Hey, my Agyrtodes monograph* is finally out! If you have BioOne access you can read it here (assuming you want to read a 73-page taxonomic treatment of some obscure fungus beetles).

It's a big relief to have that over with; it was the first chapter I wrote for my dissertation and as such took a lot of revision to get just right for the CB. Being selected for the Vaurie monograph series is sort of an honor for coleopterists; that said, it amuses me to read about various cartoonist friends and bloggers selling their books like hotcakes. This mofo ate up about two cumulative years of my life; perhaps ten or eleven people, tops, will actually want to read it during my lifetime. Such is the lot of a taxonomist, though. Gotta get those species described, and you get to go on a lot of great expeditions to interesting places in the process.

and no, I can't say it without thinking of the Simpsons' Monorail song. monograph! Monograph! MONOGRAAAPH!

nerdery, ento, beetles, taxonomy

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