sigh, i've been too busy to post for a few days due to absolutely astronomical quantities of work. I had to write a seven thousand word biography of whitney houston in a bare couple of days for almost no money. i have until sunday to edit and polish it up, but i got the first draft sorted out today so i'm taking a break. i really want it to be done so i can focus on the fashion articles i'm hired for, that i actually want to write.
N knew that i was really unmotivated to write the whitney writeup because of how little money i was getting for it, so he bought me little presents for bartell's and gave me one every 1.5k words. first was three facial masks, then a pot of coconut oil conditioner, then two little packets of lavender bath salts, then a bar of rose soap and finally a beautiful tea box with a glass lid. i'm SO amazed by how sweet it was. i took a shower this morning, so a bath right now would dry out my skin, but tomorrow i'm going to have the most wonderful and relaxing bath ever.
i had a nice valentine's day. we didn't really do anything special because V works at a candy store so the four of us weren't together, but I managed to go out and pick up the 19 red roses i picked out as a present for my babbies. i got lots of candy when V came home, too.
i also got some lovely pictures:
this precious perfect little sentry from olga,
and this HEARTBREAKING joy x sorrow from neko
N and i have been working to a schedule lately. i've been doing yoga every morning, and doing things like washing my face/brushing my hair every morning, which might not sound like a huge accomplishment but i get depressed a lot so it actually kind of is. i've also been eating more regularly, and drinking massive quantities of herbal tea. we got the storage room painted, and i did laundry and we cleaned the kitchen and the bathrooms. we didn't stick to the schedule perfectly but we got a lot done, and i'm already feeling a lot better than i did before.