No, that's what you're saying. I'm drinking ancient pee.

Feb 23, 2011 00:47

Day 01 of being in England and I am already tired of it. Everyone I know is now sick of me saying this but I want to go home so badly.

Brief recap: I spent Sunday night in Vancouver airport, sleeping on a bench - there's a pitiful rant on twitter where you can track the way my psyche degraded into chaos during the night - and chain-drinking venti nonfat caramel macchiatos under the pretext of getting rid of my dollars when really I know that I cannot drink enough caffeine ever when I'm feeling stressed or unhappy. I was also freezing. And did I mention I slept on a bench? I got to Vancouver at about 9pm and I left at 6:15pm the following day. And then I had a flight that lasted nearly ten hours. My back is killing me and what I want right now is a massage and maybe a mani-pedi because I feel like I deserve it oh my god. It's night time, though, so instead I had a fail jetlagged bath in which I got water in my ear and soap in both eyes. Separately. And also discovered that my hair straightener leaked in my luggage and gdi that stuff was actually pretty expensive. At least it was in my little toiletries bag thingie and I can just rinse it off the other bottles. I would have been a thousand times sadder if it had been, say, my opaque white ink or something.

My dad took the day off work to get me from the airport in the car - sounds nice until you remember that this was the same man that wouldn't take the day off to come to my high school graduation so all I can think is that he wants something. Probably for me to not go to America any more. O lol. >_>; He also took me out to an Italian restaurant and bought me one of the most extravagant lunches I think I've ever eaten. Again, unnerving. Eating lunch with my father is one of the most frightening things I know. It has never been a pleasant experience, ever. Unfortunately I'm not sure I'd know how to say no to a friend, let alone... well, him. Today was one of the better times but the fact that he was being nice was enough to stress me out beyond belief. On the other hand, I gave him some of my Hershey's (favorite chocolate, reminds me of home, can't buy it in England) and he declared that it tasted like soap, and then kept taking it. If I say no to him he makes me feel like a bad person and I just-- can't deal with that. So I have much less chocolate than I wanted to have and that stuff was important damnit. Also I have a 50lb suitcase that is almost entirely full of laundry, no deodorant and I can't find my hairbrush (it's like tonight is conspiring to make my hair as horrible as possible - England y u do dis my life is hard enough already).

Also I've just discovered that I left all of my antihistamines in Seattle. Fuck. My mouth is so itchy right now.

So far the one good thing that's happened is that I have rediscovered instant espresso powder, which I somehow forgot existed. It makes horrible espresso (I tried once sdkjfshf never again) but if you make it like a normal coffee it tastes good enough to drink black. Which is great because I'm generally too lazy to make coffee in a french press due to cleaning it out being really tedious and boring, but at the same time I need caffeine.

So, after the first twelve hours of being here I have an itchy mouth and no medication, no deodorant, my hair is a mess in every conceivable way (those that know me can imagine the lulz of just washing it and combing it with my fingers), my back hurts, I'm jetlagged, I'm running out of Hershey's and the only good thing is a near-endless supply of very convenient coffee which may actually not help the jetlag thing.

In the next week, I need to call my doctor to schedule therapy, I need to see an optician, I need to find a new dentist because I do not like my old one, I need to write a CV and figure out how to methodically look for jobs in a city this big, I need to buy deodorant, girl soap and a goddamn hairbrush. I also need to go to the London Graphics Center to look for Bristol paper. Oh well... only two and a half months and then I can go home again.

I also want to book a flying lesson, but I probably won't. Shit's expensive and I should be saving... but still. Wanna flyyyyy. I feel useless and heavy on the ground.  I want to get back in the air already. Which is ironic considering I just spent ten hours wishing I wasn't up there... but no, commercial airliners are just not the same at all.

ETA: Comment from my father on seeing me wearing only a t-shirt and jeans instead of a bulky sweater for the first time since I got off the plane: "...Oh! You... look quite slim."

Wow, dad. Ego boost of the year. I feel so good about myself now! Why do you sound so surprised what's with that ugh could you be worse for me if you tried? I'm not going to last two and a half months, what was I thinking. I'm definitely not sleeping tonight, that's like, a given.


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