Hot For Teacher

May 31, 2010 00:50

Title: Hot For Teacher
Author: AmericanAffair
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
POV: 3rd
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone. They belong to each other themselves. Title belongs to Van Halen.
Author Notes: The first of many! This is my lovely request from blondiebarakat , sausajizz , and sooverrated_x . I'm hoping you like it! Sorry I didn't make Jack all sexy and manly, I tried to have him have his moments. By the time I started to write and got the comment, I'd been going in a slightly different direction. But anyway, enjoy the porn, and many thanks for the request!

It's not that Jack didn't love his job, he really did. Being a college professor was one thing he enjoyed. He didn't like being referred to as Mr.Barakat, or (the worst) Professor Barakat. In failed attempts, he'd encouraged students to call him Jack, but many of them were too nervous to address him in such an informal manner.

Another thing, of the few things, he didn't love about his job were his students. They were great, bright, highly intelligent, and promising. But there was one student in particular he hated with passion in the weirdest way possible.

It was the boy who sat two rows from the front, closet to the windows. There was a dazed look of daydreams permanently in his eyes, even though he always aced his tests and could answer any question Jack thought of.

He hated his blonde-brown hair, tight girljeans, and slim-fit band shirts. He hated his beanie, his smile, and that distance in his eyes.

But most of all?

He despised how much he wanted him.

His name was Alex, just turned nineteen, and he was a music major. To the extent of his knowledge, that was all Jack knew about him.

It was his student. His student, for goddsakes. But he just couldn't help himself from turning to catch the slightest glimpse when the boy was walking out of his classroom.

Every now and then, far more than with the other students, he'd catch Alex's eye for just a moment before one of them turned away. He wasn't sure what it meant, but it was a regular occurrence now. They would look, gaze, for no more than a few seconds.

It was some weird form of teasing through the eyes. Jack was almost sure Alex knew that his glances where registered from brain directly to cock. Jack was also immensely thankful for his desk that hid everything below the waist.

"And about the essay..." Jack looked up at the ceiling briefly, trying to think of a date. "Next Wednesday sound good?"

A few kids nodded their heads, the rest were zoning out during the last five minutes.

"You can go early," He gestured his head towards the door as his students began zipping up bags and throwing backpacks and laptop cases over their shoulders and filing out from the room.

He had no other classes, and was debating finishing some grading or going home and sleeping. The room was dead silent, and Jack was focused on reading an email from a fellow teacher.

"Mr. Barakat?" A voice came from the silence, and Jack jumped up, only to see Alex standing in front of him.

"Jack," He muttered.

"What?" Alex asked.

"Call me Jack," Jack said a little louder.

"Oh, Jack," Alex grinned. "I had a question about the, um, essay?"

"Go for it," Jack brought his arms up and leaned back in his chair, propping his feet up on the table.

"Well," Alex climbed onto his desk and sat down, letting his legs dangle over the edge, almost but not fully touching the ground. "I don't totally understand what you want me to write about."

"The subject is, where do you draw the line between music and noise?" Jack pointed up at the board, where the topic was on clear display.

"Yeah," Alex drawled. "But, how do I explain it? It's kinda hard to write without hearing my definition."

"Name composers and songs that explain you, or name everyday noises. Burn a CD if that's what it takes," Jack smiled and Alex laughed.

"It would be easier if you heard them firsthand," Alex clarified with a shake of his head.

"I don't see where your headed with this," Jack bit his lip. In the back of his mind, he was pretty sure there was only one place his student was headed with this. And as much as he knew he shouldn't be anticipating it, you can bet he sure as hell was.

"I could show up," Alex looked up innocently through his hair, legs still hanging over the desk, just barley touching Jack's.

"Alex," Jack warned.

"I know, your probably freaking out," Alex stood up and walked to the door, closing it and hearing the lock click. "I would probably be freaking out too," Alex climbed back up on the desk. "But just breathe," He lifted his hand to where Jack had his resting on the chair's arm rest. "I'm a singer."

"I-I used to play guitar," Jack said nervously, clearing his throat and reaching up to loosen his tie.

"Really?" Alex moved just that much closer. "See? We can make music," He leaned in closer until Jack felt his breath on his ear.

"Like a band?" Jack was a mess now. Complete putty in Alex's shape able hands.

"You could call it that," Alex let out a breathy laugh. "So, Jack," he pulled himself onto his teacher's lap. "Guitarists are amazing with their hands, right?"

"You'll find out," Jack murmured against Alex's neck.

"I might have to hold that to you," Alex grinned and leaned back, before pulling close and pushing their chests tightly together. "This is the part where you tell me it's wrong and bad."

"On the contrary, it's you who's wrong and bad," Jack's voice was rough. "However, I will tell you to keep this between us."

"I can keep a secret," Alex promised in a whisper before leaning in and bringing their lips together. It was a battle for dominance, even though Alex's submission was evident. However Jack could tell he was a top from bottom type, and he wasn't having it. In the end, it was Jack who wound up penetrating Alex's mouth with his tongue and leading the kiss wherever he wanted to.

They pulled back, and Alex barley had time to catch his breath before Jack was on his neck, nipping here and there to leave little red marks. He took his time going back up, but passed Alex's lips in favor of the area right below his ear.

Alex wasn't sure how Jack knew, but that was his spot. His favorite spot.

He couldn't help but to gasp and groan as Jack sucked for a moment on the skin before releasing and bringing them back in a heated kiss.

Jack felt Alex bring his arms up to wrap around his neck, as he locked his arms around the boys waist and lifted him from his chair.

Damn, there was nothing to him, Jack realized as he felt like he was holding up the itself chair, not Alex. He wasn't sure where to go. The desks were... too awkward. The wall was too close to anyone else on the other side, even though today was a pretty light day as far as classes went.

He turned and used his other arm to support Alex, who was practicing his mouth for some sort of Olympics on Jack's neck and lips. Using his free arm, Jack cleared the table of the papers and whatever else and heard it scatter and float to the floor.

The sound of Alex as his back hit the dark stained oak echoed through the empty room, and Jack had Alex pinned there. His arms were on either side of his body, trapping him.

"How do you want me?" Alex looked up, flipping his hair from his eyes.

"Obedient," Jack smirked and reached up to pull the blue tie off.

Alex looked like he had more to say, but Jack's hand gently covered his mouth.

"Keep quiet, and don't move for a minute," Jack told him before disappearing from his sight line.

"But if I'm quiet," Alex protested. "You won't hear the lyrics."

Jack returned, holding a small thing of lube and a condom. "This is true," Jack agreed as Alex grabbed his shirt tails to pull himself up and greedily un-did the button down shirt. He pushed it to the floor and had his fingers working on Jack's zip in a matter of milliseconds.

"And this room has such good acoustics," Alex continued. "It would be a waste, not, to scream."

"Your a screamer?" Jack cocked his head to the side, now standing in just his boxers.

"From time to time," Alex grinned as he laid back down on the desk.

"Just remember who's topping," Jack said as he pulled of Alex's tight jeans and bit down hard on his hip.

"I'll do my best," he gritted his teeth, but couldn't help himself and moaned as Jack pushed the first finger into him. "Professor Barakat."

Jack gave a breathless laugh, that had Alex opening up his eyes and looking slightly confused.

"What's so funny?"

"I w-wasn't expecting you to be," Jack pulled out and thrust in two fingers. "So tight."

"Are you calling me a whore?" Alex giggled a little. "Oh fuck!" He moaned as Jack curled his fingers and hit him dead on.

"Just surprising," Jack laughed again as he bent down to catch Alex's lips.

"I like to keep them guessing," Alex confessed as Jack continued to move his fingers around, trying to help in loosening up Alex as much as possible.

"Can you take another?" Jack finally asked as he broke away from the kiss.

"No more fingers," Alex whined.

"Have it your way," Jack grinned as he pulled out his fingers. Alex made a whimpering noise from the table, and suddenly he felt Jack even
more on top of him and the head of his cock pushing in.

"Mother fucker!" Alex nearly screamed in surprise and pain. Jack had stretched him, but, holyfuck!

Jack re-angled his hips, after feeling Alex tense up and inhale sharply.

All that pain from moments before was replaced with an intense pleasure that started from his spine and worked its way up to his brain, filling his mind with endorphins and hormones.

But Alex wasn't the only vocal one, however his voice was more powering. Jack's moans fitted between Alex's, both combining and echoing off the blatant walls.

Jack worked at a slow but even rhythm, trying to keep steady. Alex was grinding back as much as he could, but it was a sort of awkward situation as far as body angles went, and Alex's back had been arched off the table for awhile now.

Finally, Jack felt his release nearing. Alex looked close, but nowhere near how close as he was.

So Jack let himself go, reaching his orgasm and losing himself inside Alex. Muscles clenched around him, even though Alex had yet to orgasm. He realized that it was Alex's way of warning him to keep steady. Gingerly, Jack pulled out, disposing of the condom, and leaning back down on the table.

"I think, we have an issue to adhere to do," Jack smirked as he took in Alex's sweating form splayed out on the table. His legs were pushed open as wide as they could go, and his cock looked painfully hard.

Jack laid back down on Alex, straddling his hips but bent down to connect their lips.

Jack trailed his hand down Alex's chest, pinching his nipple just hard enough for Alex to let out a yelp. But then he continued trailing south, tracing gentle circles with his fingertips down Alex's little body.

And Alex was in bliss, just feeling lazy kisses and Jack's hands going down his body.

He then felt the warmth of Jack's hand wrap around the base of his cock, with the slightest lubrication. Jack pumped, alternating between fast to slow.

"Jack, Mr. B-Barakat, I'm close," he groaned as he tried to grab onto something, but there was nothing but the edges of the desk. The wood jabbed into his fingers, but he held on as Jack gave a squeeze and he couldn't help himself. "Oh fuck!" He moaned, collapsing onto the desk, finally exhausted.

They laid on the desk for a few minutes, before standing up to clean off.

Alex walked over, pulling on his shirt and buttoning his jeans. "Mr. Barakat?"

"What?" Jack looked up.

"Might I recommend drumming lessons?" 

pairing!jalex, top!jack, slash, bottom!alex, rating:nc-17

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