Is Still Me That Makes You Sweat?

Apr 11, 2010 03:16

Title: Is It Still Me That Makes You Sweat?
Author: AmericanAffair
Pairing: Rydon
Rating: NC-17
POV: 3rd
Summary: Inspired by the video that I think any Panic/slash/rydon/whomever fan has seen. Brendon's wearing all black and singing, he reaches down and touches himself onstage before returning to the song. I wrote what I thiiiink happened after ;) Mild bondage BDSM type thing going on, some power play. If anyone has a kink for scarves I would read this haha.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone. They belong to themselves.
Author Notes: First attempt at them really getting sexed up with one another. I don't really know how I did, I've toyed around with the idea but never actually wrote it and I've been self editing this for weeks because I was too frightened to show anyone else.

"Brendon," Ryan growled as they exited the stage. Brendon had grown used to Ryan's mood swings, especially after shows. However, unlike most times, Brendon was well aware of exactly what was angering Ryan, as well as the repercussions.

"Yes?" He turned around, hand lightly placed on the dressing room doorknob. His eyes were wide, lips curled in a smile, innocence shadowing his face.

"You..." Ryan didn't even finish his sentence, but instead turned his head and looked down the hallway to his right. Then to his left. As soon as the all clear registered that no one was coming, he let out his inner animal. He caught Brendon's smile with his lips, yet it felt like a smirk when pressed against his mouth.

Ryan continued to kiss him, Brendon's strong arms wrapping around Ryan's head and neck as their positions flipped. Ryan's back slammed against the door, as he used his long fingers to turn the knob and let them in. Once they crashed into the room, Ryan shoved Brendon off him.

As he stumbled for the light switch, Brendon heard the lock click. And damn was he glad it was this night of any night.

"Brendon," Ryan chastised as he backed Brendon up into a chair. He moved quickly, predatory eyes scanned the room for what he was looking for. And he found it, the drawer labeled SCARVES.

"What?" Brendon looked confused. And slightly upset or annoyed that Ryan had just up and left him like that.

"Shut up," Ryan ordered as he returned with a fistful of scarves. He sat himself on Brendon's lap. "What the hell did you think you were doing?" His voice full of the dominance and reprimand. Slowly but forcefully he tied one of Brendon's wrists to the chair. "Being such a tease," he tightened the knot. Brendon tugged, to test the fabric, but stayed put. Ryan beamed.

"Fucking molesting yourself out there," still his voice was dark. He began to tie the second scarf around Brendon's wrist. "Running your hands all over yourself," he trailed a finger from Brendon's eyebrow, to down his cheek, and circling his lips before pulling back. "You really shouldn't have done that. Taunted me," Ryan warned as tightened the scarves.

"Besides, we both know that your hands are no where near as good as mine," Ryan flashed him a sinful smile before running his hands down Brendon's chest and palming him through the black jeans.

Brendon moaned, unable to take it anymore. His body was already full of anticipation and excitement, his erection growing against Ryan's thigh as the older boy slightly grinded his hips. Brendon's hips continued moving, trying for that friction.

"Thats another thing," Ryan said as his hand quickly retracted. "You and those noises. I swear you moaned into that microphone," he laughed in a mocking manner. "Were you thinking of me? I bet you were. Thinking of how I have so much power over you, because Brenny, who else gets you just. Like. This?" Ryan leaned in as though to kiss him. Yet instead he let his lips linger, not even a centimeter away, Brendon shuddered upon the feeling of the boys hot breath on his mouth. "So tonight, I'll make you quiet. Make you learn manners. Because you really haven't asked nicely for anything.

"You didn't ask me if I thought you should be running hands all over yourself. Certainly didn't ask to moan right now. Brendon, Brendon, Brendon. When will you learn?" Ryan chastised before smiling as he took another scarf, tying it over Brendon's lips and around the back of his head.

Ryan's hands idled there a moment, before he bent down and full force kissed the paisley fabric covering Brendon's needy mouth. Pulling back with a smirk, he looked over at the boy all tied up below him. "Seeing as I have you like this, I'm wondering what we should do," Ryan again went down and licked from the boys ear to his jaw line. "Maybe I should get you naked then just leave?"

Brendon shook his head, before twisting his body more into Ryan.

"Maybe I should take pictures?" Ryan smirked.

Brendon again shook his head no, trying to release his wrists despite knowing it was a useless battle.

"Or maybe I'll punish you," Ryan mused, tormenting Brendon as he worked his hands down the youngers chest and continuing to kiss the fabric on his mouth. "And then perhaps fuck the hell out of you."

Upon that idea, Brendon's hips bucked.

Ryan laughed as he firmly pushed Brendon's hips back down. "See, I think that you should learn Brendon. Learn exactly what its like to be teased and have to sit there. And hold your composure." Ryan slowly moved, making sure his body heat wasn't just gone, but lingering.

"So we're playing a little game. I intend to do a few little somethings, and on your behalf, theres only one rule. You can do absolutely nothing. No noises, no bucking. I would say don't get hard, but its too late, huh?" Ryan smirked as he patted Brendon's upper thigh. "Think you can play?" His voice was suddenly innocent.

Brendon vigorously nodded his head.

"Good boy," Ryan praised before stepping further across the room. "First round, I'm not gonna touch you anymore than you touch me," Ryan promised. Brendon was slightly upset, but then mentally reminded himself to make a point of touching Ryan more often during their shows. If he ever got himself here again, he would make Ryan own up to his promises.

Ryan dragged a slender finger up, from his own knee to upper thigh. Brendon's eyes widened. However Ryan just laughed, and moved his hips with a rhythm only he could hear. He turned slowly, making sure Brendon's eyes saw every inch of his completely clothed body. It would be fun.

He played with the buttons on his vest, rubbing a hand down them, before undoing each and letting the vest fall to the ground. Brendon swallowed.

"Does it turn you on?" Ryan whispered, as he noted Brendon was struggling to hold still. Body wise he seemed fine, but Ryan could read the boys eyes better than anyone.

Trying to play naive, Brendon cocked his head.

"Having millions of people watching you?" Ryan replied.

At first, Brendon honestly didn't get it. Ryan continued with his strange and somehow erotic dance, while Brendon struggled to figure out what he meant. Actually, Brendon was really struggling with focusing on how Ryan could be asking questions when all Brendon could think of was how much he want him. He had to guess Ryan was talking about being onstage. Where he was going with it, he would never know.

Brendon slowly nodded, and Ryan nodded too. Then his hand trailed upwards, beginning to unbutton his shirt. It slipped off his thin shoulders. That's when he walked over to Brendon. "Sex on buses is fun," Ryan mused. "Imagine fucking right beside the stage. Imagine anyone being able to hear. Anyone close enough. Any mic close enough." Ryan's hand briefly moved to the fabric in front of his own erection and he rubbed himself, before retreating back to his sides.

"I think of that. When your rubbing yourself. I have to play guitar, while thinking of you doing whatever, technically being in front of about two thousand people," Ryan's voice was lustful but still powerful.

Brendon began to harden more, almost painfully, thinking over and over about Ryan's idea. And how great of an idea it was.

Ryan's hand trailed up Brendon's side, palm down so the heat would be felt. Then his hand slipped across his chest, before Ryan leaned down to hug Brendon and as he released, he let a hand drag across the younger's crotch.

Then he kissed Brendon again through the fabric. "You touch me while crazy thoughts are running ramped through my mind."

Ryan's hands lingered on his own belt, before he decided against it. Slowly he untied Brendon, first his mouth, then kissed him. With lust and passion. When they disconnected, Brendon whimpered. Ryan smirked while he began to untie Brendon's wrists, letting the scarves fall forgotten to the floor.

Ryan looked at Brendon, then down at himself. Brendon understood, quickly standing and removing his shirt and jeans. That was all it took for him to be completely naked. That must've made Ryan more angry.

"And now I have to know that while your touching me, I could have you naked in seconds?" Ryan scolded him. "Bad, Brendon. Now get these fucking off of me before the next round."

Brendon obliged immediately, rushing over and starting to pull the jeans from Ryan's thin hips. But tonight Ryan wasn't having it. "No. No. No. These are expensive jeans, treat them like it."

Brendon began the task after repressing a sigh. It turned him on though, how Ryan was acting. Clearly it wasn't rare that Ryan was in control, but Ryan wasn't always in this much control. Brendon knew, in this instance, teasing Ryan was the wrong route to take. Instead he quickly but carefully undid the button and zipper, sliding the skin tight jeans down Ryan's thin legs and folding them beside him.

"Good boy," Ryan smirked as Brendon placed his hands up to tug the briefs off. "No, I didn't tell you to." Brendon nodded and sat down on his knees, waiting for whatever came next. Ryan considered what the next task should be. He knew that Brendon had a few secret kinks. He smiled.

"Brendon, come here," Ryan sat down on the couch as Brendon walked over. He stayed standing, unsure if that meant to sit down or not. "Kneel." So he did.

"Your being punished now, but I know you won't think that this is punishment," Ryan then gripped Brendons arms and pulled him down in a quick motion. "Because I know how much you like it." Ryan slapped him, the first time lightly.

Brendon moaned in response, however not as loudly as Ryan would've liked, considering tonight was a rare chance for them to be loud. "You were bad, Brendon," he growled as he brought his hand down harder. Brendon's moans grew more and more intense with the harder Ryan smacked him.

"Bad, bad, bad," he whispered as he lowered his upper body so his lips were on Brendon's ear. Hot breath on his neck. "Mmm you like this, so much. Fucking whore. But its okay Brendon," he slapped his ass a final time. "Because your a whore for me."

"Ry-Ry-Ry-Ryan?" Brendon stuttered, quietly.

"Yes?" Ryan looked pleased. It really did take a lot to shut Brendon the fuck up.

"Can-can-can I... Can I..." Brendon stumbled over his words.

"What do you want?" Ryan asked in a more demanding tone.

"Can you..." Brendon didn't really know what he wanted to ask, he just wanted more. More Ryan. More of Ryan's demands, more words.

"If you can't make up your mind, I'll make it up for you. Yes you can, and yes you will, suck me off. Now."

Brendon didn't need to be told twice, immediately he sank to his knees and crawled over to Ryan. Positioning his head between Ryan's parted legs, he swirled his tongue around the head. Some part of Brendon wanted to laugh at how after that Ryan still spread his legs immediatly for him. Ryan gave a slight shudder at the feeling of Brendon's tongue, before he sank into the couch and leaned his head back.

Brendon started to take him deeper, wanting Ryan in his mouth. And as comfortable as the head tipped back position for Ryan had been, he couldn't help himself but to look down at Brendon. And holy motherfucking shit was all he could think. Something about him, about how Ryan had ordered him, and how good he was. Ryan lost thought.

Brendon pulled back, licking the underside, before locking eyes with the older boy. Continuing with their locked gaze, Brendon took as much of Ryan as he could, nearly choking. But he forced his gag reflex to silence, and just continued to work. Finally Ryan pushed him off, and Brendon let himself fall back on his legs.

"Mmm, fuck, now," Ryan moaned.

Brendon knew what that meant, and he stood up to get a condom and lube from Ryan's jacket pocket. They were always there, left side hip, or sometimes right breast. Always. If he wasn't wearing a jacket, they were hidden in whatever other accessory he had. Never his jeans, because, well... everyone knows how tight Ryan likes his jeans.

"Good boy," Ryan praised again as Brendon set the stuff on the arm of the couch. Ryan reached up and pulled Brendon onto his lap, before letting himself fall over, so they were laying with Brendon on top of him on the couch.

Brendon moaned as their bodies slid against each other, in a rhythm with their grinding hips. "Hush," Ryan put a finger to his the youngers swollen lips, before pushing him up. "On your back," Ryan ordered as he stood up. Brendon turned and fell back, looking up, and saw Ryan's eyes.

Earlier they glinted with passion and anger, but now they were just a haze. As though he was on the craziest drug trip ever. Ryan ripped the package open with his teeth, after only letting his fingers struggle for a second. As quickly as he could, he slid it on.

Despite Brendon being punished, he still had a heart. Ryan lubed up two fingers to start with, knowing Brendon didn't need to begin with just one. And he smiled when he felt Brendon grind into Ryan's fingers, as Ryan lubed up another digit and slowly pushed it in. "Think you can take more?" Ryan asked in a teasing manner, because he knew Brendon could.

Brendon writhed under Ryan's touch. "Come on, answer me," Ryan continued to stretch Brendon, refusing to taket the next step until Brendon answered like he was supposed to.

"I can take you," Brendon moaned. Then gasped at the sudden emptiness as Ryan pulled his fingers out. However, the feeling was quickly replaced.


It wasn't replaced.

The feeling was doubled, tripled, fucking unexplainable and undeniable. Brendon moaned loudly, and he thought Ryan snickered whore, but Ryan was moaning just as shamelessly so it didn't really matter. Sometimes they say it's never as good as the first time. Or whenever. You have your awesome sex at one point, and after that mediocrity ensued. They proved that wrong. Because them together?

Always fucking amazing.

After pushing in, Brendon adjusted. "Move," he whined. Ryan did.

He began to move at his own speed, instead of adjusting to Brendon. He went fast, thrusting like mad, then went slow, feeling Brendon underneath him, trying to figure out what was going on.

He felt the body underneath him twitch, and he repositioned. Damn he was getting good at this. Ryan knew exactly where to go with Brendon, it only took him seconds.

Brendon started gripping the couch, but his hands wouldn't hold, so instead his arms shot up and locked in Ryan's hair. Ryan allowed himself to be pulled down into a kiss, instantly licking Brendon's lower lip. Access immediately granted. He pushed his tongue in his mouth, searching for Brendon's. They continued their open mouthed kiss while Ryan continued his uneven rhythm.

They came at the same time. He incoherently moaned something like, "Brendon, Brendon, Brendon, fucking, Brendon, damn," as he spilled inside.

Brendon was quiet, too quiet for Ryan to hear, Brendon knew exactly what he'd said though.

"Only for you."

slash, pairing!rydon, rating:pg-13

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