Hot Like Mexico

Jul 29, 2010 01:00

Title: Hot Like Mexico
Chapter: Stand Alone
Author: americanaffair
Beta: aholelabledlove 
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
POV: 3rd
Summary: Basically, stuckinanaviary was a total babe and entered my contest that got a little bit canceled. And I was drooling over her delicious pictures for like an hour when I saw she mentioned babysitter fics, and figured what the hell. A babysitter fic.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone. They belong to each other themselves. Title belongs to Lady Gaga, even though it sounds way hotter when Alex is saying it.
Author Notes: It was fun to write! I may or may not have based the entire event off of something that happened to me. Because I went to church camp, met twins, and babysat them and their big sister. Except there was no sex and everything else was totally different. But when life gives you plot lines, make porn. Seriously. Anyway, I wrote in two days, which is becoming crazy for me. I'm so busy. Sorry for if it's terrible. But oh well. Comments are sexy. Like you. And come check out the new comm! Which is an official affiliate of ATS! And wants your words! I'll hold the robo fic hostage until more porn is over there. I can do it. I will.

There's something perfect about summer. It's hard to explain, but somewhere in between waking up with sheets tangled around your ankles and sunlight on your upper thighs, and shuffling around with your computer to look at porn when you'd normally be in block 3, you kinda find it. It's just quiet. Simple. Easy. Painless.

Millions of phrases that don't really apply to the average highschoolers school day.


Really, almost anything that sounds spa like will work as an adjective to describe it. Two months off from school is, essentially, like an overworked secretary for some asshole boss getting a free week to the spa and having it be considered paid vacation with overtime. That's just how you feel, knowing you have nothing to do. And having nothing has never felt better.


One of the downfalls. Alone time starts off awesome. You're thinking, Oh! I'll get stuff done. I'll play and win my video game, clean my room, cut my hair, write a whole bunch, write a new song, learn a new song... Then you stay up too late watching the stupidest videos you can muster on YouTube, sleep in until sometime around noon, stumble awake and choke down Cheerios, masturbate, watch TV, masturbate, movie, dinner, repeat.

That's someones life in an honest sentence.

And it really was becoming Alex's life. He had nothing, nothing under every dying star and hidden alien spaceship around and below the sun, to do. Just wake up, breathe, and enjoy having time to piss away.

“What'd you do today?” His dad looks up, a mouthful of steak in his mouth and his fork chasing around some mashed potato.

Alex shrugged. “Went for a run, chilled.” At least it wasn't all a lie.

His father just nodded, experiencing a food orgasm or something, because his eyes were lidded and his fork was just shoveling into his mouth like he was trying to bury himself alive from the inside out. There was a total silence, except for unappetizing noises of chewing, swallowing, and heavy breathing.

“Alex, I think you should get a job,” his mom finally spoke.

“Every summer,” he groaned. “Every summer you tell me to get a job. I'm relaxing. It hasn't been a month yet.”

“No one has a month to relax,” his dad was already angry. Angry enough to stop food-masturbation. “Chilling, as you say, doesn't really cut it, either.”

“You weren't in school and coming home with homework up to your neck,” Alex argued back, sighing and pushing the food around, swallowing down the tasteless mess his mother had prepared with a swig of Coke.

“I work. So that you can wear your expensive clothes and play that goddamn guitar,” his father stood up, slamming down the cheap silverware.

His mother winced, like it mattered.

“You work because you eat half the food here, watch TV all night, and buy tools you can't use,” Alex finally said after breathing and counting to ten. Which, apparently, doesn't work.

The man's jaw dropped. By the time his face recovered, fire was in his eyes. Sweaty hands balled tight in fists on either side of his body.“Get a fucking job. Or get the fuck out,” he was fuming as he left the table.

Alex's head hit the table, but he recovered fast and promptly stood up and left for the sanctuary of his room.

“Alex,” she was frowning, looking deeply concerned. “I think going to church would help you.”

“Church?” Alex gaped. Because, church? She hadn't brought that up since he was in third grade or below. It had been a childhood thing, church on Sunday's, religion week long. But it slowly slipped away from the family, as what seems to happen to most.

Church is to make the family look more pure, church is to make the family look a little more put together.

Alex had been thinking that his family was starting to give up on all of that a long, long time ago.

“Church,” she confirmed. “We're doing some camp thing.” Her eyes were begging, tears pricking into the corners. She turned quickly away, beginning to clean the table. “Just come. It'll make him be less concerned about your d-”

“Don't,” Alex's voice was dark and final.

“Please,” she still couldn't look at him.

“If I touch a bible, will it burn me?” Alex taunted with angry sarcasm, narrowing his eyes despite her not paying attention.

“Don't be a prick about this, Alex,” she turned around and he could see the well flowing from out her dark brown eyes he'd inherited. “Just go. One week?”

“Fine,” he muttered.

“Ten to noon,” she called after him.

He would've spun around and thrown a fit, but something was telling him about just how much this meant to her. And as much as they hated each other, as much tension filtered through every room in their house that it sometimes appeared they'd been forced into sharing, he wanted to make her proud in some way.

And if it was church camp?

With a regretful sigh and a handful of sleeping pills.

Alex would be attending tomorrow morning.

“Alex!” Mrs. Gaskarth felt as though she'd been faced with the grueling task of awakening her son for eternity now. “Alex I know you don't wanna go! But... Just.... Wake up! Now!” Her red coated fingernail jutted out to flicked the lights. She turned on the TV and blasted the radio.

Finally, he rolled. Hair sticking up in every possible direction while his hands covered his face to shield him from the scary, bright light intruding and poking behind his eyelids.

“Oh thank God. I thought you were dead,” she looked utterly serious, no surprise, and exited the room. Leaving everything on full blast.

Alex's head hurt. He might've downed his pills with just a few shots of Absolut he'd nabbed from the liquor cabinet the day before.

But this is all theoretical talk.

And if Jesus could turn water into wine, Alex decided he could turn a hangover into energy.

If only he could dig out one shirt from the hurricane slapped room he was residing in that didn't have a profanity or something that just wouldn't fit in a church-environment. Because, while he was reluctant to actually clothe himself in a Blink shirt and skinny jeans, it seemed it was that or nothing.

This might've been the reason his mom made him do laundry, or it was more fuel to the fire in his mind that was suddenly sparking. The match grinding against the box and sparking with a, “Laundry is because she hates you. Camp is because she hates you. They both hate you because you're-”

You'll find, in life, there is an occasion where it's more than fine to hate your brain. It felt as though one of those was setting in right now.

Alex just hated his brain right now, it seemed like the cells inside bolting around to form his thoughts took happiness in making the other part of his brain suffer. Or maybe his body wanted it depressed. Either way, it wasn't really worth considering further investigation. Just forget it. That's what he'd been trying to do for six months to this day. Just forget it. Live a normal life you'll never have and make sure you have friends that you couldn't keep.

He was still lying about hanging out with people when he spent an afternoon alone in the park.

“Alex!” She yelled again, just as he was closing the door after double checking that anything suspicious his dad might stumble upon was even more well hidden and the lie as to why, oh why, it was there was already in his brain. That's how he'd learned to deal with parents, hide it well, make the cover-up lie ten times better.

“Here,” he said, standing at the bottom of the stairs and catching sight of his mom's attempt at dressing nicely.

“Let's go!” She opened the door quickly, even though they clearly had fifteen minutes and the drive there only lasted five. But you'd swear on your life if they weren't there right now the Earth would combust into a thousand tiny pieces, and his mother's soul would never rest in complete peace because damn she never got to church camp on time.

Alex was starting to figure out her demand that they were in the car was divided by how fast she really managed to drive. Because if her foot was any less on the pedal he might go slightly mad. It was like Chinese water torture, little unpredictable drips of speed followed by agonizingly plan-able drops of ultimate slowness.

He'd never wanted a speeding ticket more in his life, than if his mother was driving fast enough to attain one now. It was becoming evident he hadn't been driven anywhere, really by anyone, for a long time. It was either he and his car, or his feet. A rarity someone occupied the wheel of his precious junky birthday present.

By the time they had actually pulled into the parking lot, they were two minutes late. A real accomplishment. The driver's car door swung open frantically, and Alex heard the phrases, “Shoulda woke up earlier,” escape from pink painted lips.

Alex trudged slowly inside, unlike the fast paced clicks of kitten heels on a ratty old pavement sidewalk. They were going into the second room of the white church, where all the tables were set up for these kids to do their arts and crafts. He stared at his clean hands, upset that they would be covered in glue, and glitter would probably sneak it's way into his hair. Reasons to hate craft time came easier to him than any single reason to actually enjoy it.

“Alex!” An older woman enveloped his skinny frame into a bone crushing hug.

“H-Hi?” He looked at her, racking his memory to come up with a name, but after a few awkward seconds still held no idea who the hell this woman was and why her face registered surprise.

“I used to teach you in Sunday school back when you were this tall!” Her hand dropped to her not-so-thin upper thigh. “You've grown!”

That's what happens when you don't see someone for eight years.

“Well! Your going to be helping the little ones today,” the lady from his past began to walk towards a little table. There were small boxes set at roughly each of the eight chairs, and decorations for them filled up the center table. “They just need help with the glue and whatnot. And reaching,” she laughed. “Normally they just sit and wait until you do it for them.”

“Charlene!” Another woman entered his peripheral. “Who's this young man?”

“Alex!” The lady, Charlene, smiled at the others shock. “He's sixteen now.”

“Alex?!” She gaped and hugged him too. “Look at you! You look great!”

“Thank you,” he muttered, not embarrassed but really having no idea what to do or say.

“They should be in, anytime now,” a lady who clearly didn't know Alex clicked her tongue. A fat lady was preparing snacks in the itty-bitty kitchen. Alex's mom was beaming at how impressed everyone was being with how good looking her son was.

Oh! We should set him up with Miranda! You know, Kate's daughter?

My granddaughter would just adore him!

Lisa just broke up with Grant.

And all Alex wanted to say was the exact thing that got him kicked out from church to begin with.

I think I'd prefer your grandson.

The little kids, as it turned out, weren't terrible. Most of them were quiet, glued to the hip of whatever adult was with them.

Alex had, to be honest, taken a shining to one of them. The little boy was just too... perfect. Like a little version of himself or something.

His name was Evan, dark brown hair, and big green eyes. Alex sat beside him, gently taking the glue and applying small dots wherever the little kid's tiny hand instructed him too.

“My name is Alex,” he said quietly.

“I'm Evan,” he muttered, a light blush coloring his small face.

“That's a cool name,” Alex smiled.

Evan looked up at him, practically beaming. “That's my brother,” he pointed to the boy sitting beside him who also looked nearly identical. “His name is Miles.”

“Hi Miles,” Alex smiled at him too. The little boy looked sickly, and not as friendly as his brother. They shared similar features, except Miles was slightly smaller and thinner.

Evan grinned, making grabby hands at some more beads. Alex laughed and applied them in smiley face form. “What do you want on it now?”

“A lion,” his smile was massive, covering his whole face in childish glee Alex couldn't help but to adore.

“I can't draw a lion,” Alex bit his lip. “What about a kitty cat?”

“Yes!” He clapped his hands.

Alex took a marker, swiftly drawing a small cat face that would probably make any second grade art teacher cringe in fear and sadness. Oh well. The little boy was so happy with it, the failed attempt was beyond worth it.

Miles stood up, tugging lightly on Alex's jeans. “Will you help me too?”

“Course,” Alex stood up, tugging his chair behind him slightly to allow a perfect seat between the two much happier kids.

“I like your hair,” Evan was standing up on his chair, pinching one of the blonde dyed streaks in his little fingers and gripping Alex's shoulder for support.

“Thanks,” Alex laughed, feeling Evan crawl onto his lap and sit. Alex bounced his knee a little bit.

Miles was pretty good at knowing what he wanted, and really didn't need Alex's help. He'd even figured out how to put the glue on a little piece of paper, dip the tip of his finger in, press it to the box, then stick to it what he wanted. That amazed Alex beyond belief. The elder had to assume he was just craving the attention his brother was rolling in.

Their boxes were finished pretty early, far before the others in their age group, and earlier than the table set up with kids a tad older who were doing something much more difficult. Alex would've been lost, had been dealing with that one.

Evan reached over, whispering something into Miles ear. The other boy cocked his head, and Alex distracted himself from looking out the window. It was quite awkward to almost be listening in on a couple of two year olds private conversation.

“Can we play a game?” Miles matching green eyes lit up.

“Sure,” Alex moved Evan to the floor as soon as Miles managed to clamber out from his chair and walk away to a clear area. He sat, folding his legs in pretzel form. Alex saw the ball his other brother was getting, and knew their idea.

He sat across, with Evan on the other side, making a very decent triangle.

“Do you guys like camp?” Alex asked, looking at either boy.

“Not really,” Evan rolled his eyes and Alex laughed aloud. Miles rolled the ball, which bounced off Alex's knee.

“But we like you,” Miles assured him.

These kids would be the death of him.

“Alright!” The fat lady announced over everyone's side talk and attaching. “Snack time! Then the big kids are coming downstairs with us to play a game!”

“The big kids?” Alex mumbled under his breath.

Miles and Evan were grinning like fools, and Alex had probably never seen a single thing any more adorable than the childish and goofy innocence radiating from the duo. They ran together back to the table, sitting with their boxes and awaiting to be served.

“That's some nice work you've done!” Charlene complimented the boys.

“'Lex helped us,” Miles smiled proudly.

“Lex?” Charlene laughed, as Alex walked over to sit between them on his chair that he had yet to move away. “Here that, Alex? They're calling you 'Lex now.”

Alex just shrugged until she walked away. Miles tugged on his arm again. “I don't like her,” he whispered in his ear.

“I don't either,” Alex whispered back.

They both laughed.

The snack was, really, disgusting. Some bread, orange/yellow plastic looking cheese, some pickle, little tomatoes, and a few chips in stick form.

Either boy picked at the food, clearing the chips. Evan dared a bite of the possibly radioactive cheese, making Alex cringe.

Clearly, none of them were taking to the food like the others in their age group. Which secretly made Alex very proud that the two little kids he'd taken a connection to where even smarter than all the others.

Clean up was easy for them, Alex threw away the cheap paper plates and held their hands to lead them into the back towards the bathroom sink.

“What game are we playing?” Alex asked, helping Miles apply soap to his hands because he wasn't tall enough yet to reach the dispenser.

“I dunno. Jack probably knows,” he shrugged and lifted up to his arms until he held his hands under the faucet, which Alex knew meant he wanted the water turned on.

“Jack?” Alex asked, assuming it was another kid there.

“Our big brother,” Evan smiled proudly, wiping his already washed hands with a brown paper towel and inspecting them for assurance there was no glitter anywhere.

“Oh. I don't have a big brother,” Alex told them.

“Jack is funny,” Miles promised.

“And he's tall!” Evan cut in.

“Like, taller than you,” Miles added proudly.

“I doubt he's taller than me,” Alex laughed. He was 6' solid. It was kind of doubtful some kid would be taller than him.

“He is!” Evan smiled, pulling Alex back out from the bathroom and into the main room. A door swung open, and a girl walked out.

Alex had to admit, she was pretty. Long blonde hair and a blue dress. But not his type. Considering his type had a cock.

A few more kids walked out, probably being somewhere in between an awkward middleschooler and “so cool” highschooler, all not as old as Alex yet.

“Jack!” Miles cried out, running to attach himself to his brother's leg.

Alex swallowed.

He wasn't taller than him, he hoped. But he was quite tall for his age. “He's more than this many!” Evan held out all ten fingers, each one sticking up into the air.

“I'm fourteen,” Jack laughed.

“F-four-teen,” Evan tried out the word, deciding he could do it. “Fourteen.”

“Good job,” Jack laughed, ruffling his hair and lifting Miles up onto his hip. “I see you've been dealing with my monsters. Something I gladly won't relieve you of.”

“Oh, helpful,” Alex laughed. “Alex, by the way,” he held out a hand near Jack's free one, which he took and shook tightly. His hands were unreasonably soft.

“I'm guessing you already know I'm Jack. Jack Barakat.”

“Right,” Alex swallowed again, his mouth was oddly dry and his lips were craving chapstick.

Jack's black and blonde hair might've been a disaster to anyone else, but Alex was in love with it. He was tall and scrawny, which he had to admit was his favorite. When he turned to walk away, still holding Miles tightly, Alex's eyes couldn't tear away from his hips or ass.

“Watcha lookin' at?” Evan teased, like he already knew.

Alex looked at him, squinting, and held out his hand to walk the boy towards where everyone was grouping up.

Alex was now cleaning up the table, the kids all going home. Evan and Miles had been with Jack, God knows where, doing whatever. Alex had decided it was probably a better idea he put a bit of distance between himself and Jack. It would suck to get kicked out, especially for trying to hit on a straight boy.

“Hey,” a man with a beard walked over, holding out a long hand.

“Hi,” Alex shook, much like he had been doing all day. This was probably another unfamiliar face from his past.

“I'm Evan and Miles's dad,” he introduced himself better. “Dave.”

Alex should've recognized the older, more pronounced facial features that the family seemed to share. The nose. Eyes.

“Oh! Your kids are great,” Alex smiled.

“I've heard how well you did with them. I was thinking, I mean if you're not busy tonight or anything, if you wouldn't mind babysitting?”

“I'd love to,” Alex grinned. He might've loved the kids, but he loved money ten times more.

“We figured we'd give Jack a night to hang and not worry about them, he isn't the best with kids,” Dave laughed. “So just give me your cell phone number, and address. I'll come pick you up around, would seven tonight be too early?”

“Seven would be fine,” Alex nodded quickly.

“Okay!” Dave clapped his hands. Upon walking away, Alex slammed his hand into his head. Jack. Jack will be there. Oh fuck.

Again, he couldn't get over how amazing the kids were. They'd run around, playing, being crazy, and went to bed as soon as Alex even muttered the phrase.

“We cuddle, before bedtime,” Evan told him as he clung on tightly to his teddy bear.

“Cuddle?” Alex laughed.

“Cuddle!” Miles was enthusiastic outside of church, his energy level being quite shocking to be perfectly honest.

He shrugged, crawling in the small space between the two boys and feeling them smash up against him. “This isn't an Alex sandwich!”

Miles and Evan giggled, hugging him tightly as Alex pressed innocent kisses to their foreheads. He really just couldn't resist, with their laughter and sleepy eyes.

“Goodnight,” Alex stood up, switching off the light and watching the nightlight immediately flicker on. “I'll be downstairs if you need me, okay?”

They nodded, he could see their heads bobbing in the dim lighting.

“And so will Jack,” he added, closing the door, leaving just a crack open.

It was only nine, the parents were expected to be out all night, and Jack didn't have a bedtime. Which meant there was nothing to do, since Alex was now doing his damn best to avoid running into the smaller male.

Jack was in the small den, and Alex could hear furious clicking of his laptop keyboard.

He reached into his pocket, feeling his cellphone pressed tight up against his upper thigh, but he didn't really have anyone to text.

Outside, he could hear the loud groups of teenagers making their way down the slightly sand covered sidewalk, laughing about whatever. The occasional car driving down the road, going out for a nights worth of binge drinking to make the week seem that much closer to a final end.

There wasn't much noise otherwise, and Alex pressed his lips together, remembering Alicia's reassurance that he could drink whatever he wanted from the fridge.

Alex stood up, rolling his neck and cracking his knuckles, walking the short distance form living room to the rental house's kitchen. There was Coke, for which he was thankful.

In the other room, the light was off, but there was the glow of the laptop slightly lightening Jack's features.

He couldn't be a bad kid, and Alex had been secretly dying to have a real conversation with him since their eyes met.

The room was just dark. Alex put his drink on the table, realizing Jack's back was facing him, and earplugs where in his ears.

But that wasn't really what made him glad he didn't gave the can of soda, because it would've hit the floor. His insides flipped, his heart was in his throat, and his mind was reeling.

Jack's dick was out, his hand pumping slowly, teasing himself as he ran his own thumb lightly over the slit.

Alex watched his shoulders roll.

On the laptop screen, there was one quite thin boy with bright platinum blonde, spiked hair laying down, clenching the pink sheets of the bed he was splayed out on, while another thin boy with longer brown hair pounded into him, occasionally kissing his lips and Alex could make out curses and I-love-yous falling from their mouths.

The first best thing about the moment, was this was the proof Alex needed to know Jack was gay.

The second best thing was how amazing Jack's dick was, a quite impressive size. He should've guessed when he saw how long his arms were. Long arms, big feet.

And the final best thing about the situation was that the parents weren't set to come home for a few hours from now.

The movie ended, and Jack hadn't even turned around yet, probably figuring Alex had passed out on the couch. The next one started up, this one featuring the same two boys. The brown-haired one, clearly dominant, looked at the blonde, pulling on his shirt to crush their lips together.

They were in a classroom, and Alex assumed the brown haired one was playing teacher. He was pulling down the blonde's jeans, bringing him over his knee and laying the first slap to his perfect ass.

Jack's fist was pumping like crazy, a quiet moan even escape his lips. Alex knew he was so close, and this would probably be his only chance.

He walked over, resting on his knees beside Jack.

The boy's head went nuts, turning every whichway, quickly he exited out of the page, ripping the ear plugs from his ears, and tucking his dick away as fast as he could. But there was no way to hide the evidence. His face was beet red, Alex just knew.

“Why'd you make it go away?” Alex pouted, purring in his ear. “I liked this one.”

Jack trembled, no words coming to his lips.

“You're gay, right?” Alex gently took the laptop, putting it on the floor and sitting, lifting Jack's legs to rest on his thighs.

Jack nodded.

“And do you think I'm hot?”

Again, he nodded, blushing even harder but having no clue what to do.

“You're so fucking adorable,” Alex leaned over, pressing their lips together.

Jack's lips were soft, perfect shaped, and knew just how to move against Alex's. They gave the elder the dominance he usually had to fight for, and when he moaned against him, Alex's dick stiffened in his tight jeans.

“You like being punished?” He whispered, pulling away and clenching the tender skin of where Jack would have a piercing if he ever got one between his teeth.

Jack whimpered, “Yes.”

“Well then I guess I should babysit you, too,” Alex shrugged. He released Jack from his grip, standing up and seating himself in a chair. “The safe word is,” Alex glanced around the room. “Palahinuk,” he saw the book flipped upside down, the spine raised in the air. “Now,” Alex cleared his throat, and Jack sat straight up. “I want you to crawl to me.”

Jack dropped to the floor, not needing to be told twice. His hands slapped on the hardwood. He wasn't exactly a good crawler, but Alex was just marveling at how his ass and hips moved as he made his way across the floor and to Alex's feet.

“You've been bad, Jack,” Alex tsked. “Jerking off to adult movies? You aren't even eighteen yet. That stuff is for big kids.”

Jack rested on his knees, obediently staring up into Alex face and nodding along, hanging on to every single word he said. Alex saw his eyes, realizing them to be different from the family tradition, instead of green he was greeted with a dark, chocolate brown.

“What am I going to do with you?” Alex asked, rolling his eyes.

The boy's shoulders lifted up and fell down, a shrug. Alex got the feeling he was letting the elder lead the entire situation, not yet sure if he should even attempt to speak. At least he learned something from his movies.

“You seemed to really like when that twink was being spanked,” Alex raised an eyebrow, delighted to see color arise in Jack's cheeks. “You want that?”

Jack nodded.

“Beg for it,” Alex bent down, lifting his chin up with his finger so Jack was forced to stare into his eyes.

“P-please,” Jack's pink tongue darted out to wet his lips, making them glisten. “Please, Alex,” he tested out the name, it being previously foreign to him. “Please spank me. I want you to h-hurt me.”

“Since you asked so nicely,” Alex smiled, showing off his white teeth. “Come here,”

Jack stood up, and Alex's hands went promptly to the zipper and button, undoing both with ease. He was pretty practiced in getting out of his own clothes in record amounts of time. He yanked them down the floor, and pressed his hands on Jack's now exposed hips, sliding them upwards, underneath the black shirt. He also removed it, throwing it haphazardly on the floor and instructing Jack to lay on his lap.

“What's the safe word?”

“P-P-Palahinuk,” Jack's voice was breathy, and Alex could feel how fucking hard he already was.

Alex nodded, pulling his hand back and laying the first slap on the tender area in between Jack's ass and thigh. “Count, Jacky.”


Alex moved to the other side, his hand print no where near forming. He couldn't bring himself to go severely hard on Jack, feeling too bad. “You'll get eighteen on either side, because you're underage.”

Jack whimpered, the good whimper. The one Alex craved to hear. The one only porn stars can execute. Porn stars and Jack Barakat.


By the time there was ten on either side, Jack's counting was coming out as moans. There were already hand prints from Alex on his ass, the skin now tender and raw. Jack was squirming desperately, horny as hell and needing release or some sort of tension soother. He couldn't take it. His stomach muscles were tightening up, his fantasy playing out perfectly.

As soon as he'd seen Alex, he'd wanted this. When he'd been watching the porn, he'd been instead imagining the two of them together.

“Fourteen,” he gaped as Alex went much, much harder suddenly. But Jack knew that was because it was his age.

“Fourteen,” he repeated as the action was done same on the other side. That's how he'd been counting. Call it strange, but it worked for him and Alex had yet to complain. Then again, if that's what someone was deciding to call him strange for, that was a blessing in itself.

“Eighteen,” the word was just a moan now.

“Good boy, Jacky, you did so well,” he prided him, tapping his ass lightly in appreciation. Jack winced in pleasure. “On the floor, knees,” Alex whispered, kissing on his area right below his ear.

Jack climbed down, rubbing his sore rear slightly, but enjoying the sting even more as cold air connected with burning skin.

“What the fuck?” Alex looked at his leg. “You got fucking pre-cum on my leg,” he scolded. Alex stood up, pointing at it, his eyebrows raised. “What do I do about this?”

“I, uh,” Jack blushed again, stammering, clutching his hands behind his back.

Alex wanted a camera more then, than ever before in his life.

“Clean it,” Alex pointed again.

Jack stood up to go get a paper towel, but Alex grabbed his hand.

“Tongue,” Alex rolled his eyes.

Jack's cock twitched. He crawled submissively back over, attaching his lips to the fabric and running his tongue over it, sucking hard on the jeans. He pulled away, looking at the wet patch and tasting himself in his mouth.

Alex smiled appreciatively

“Good boy,” he kissed his lips, letting his own hot, wet tongue press along Jack's lower lip in appreciation before he unattached himself. “I bet you want me to fuck you now?”

Jack nodded eagerly.

“I don't wanna fuck you,” Alex marveled, standing and quickly stripping from his clothes. He reached, finding his wallet and pulling out a condom, and from the jacket pocket produced a small thing of lube. “Thinking ahead,” he shrugged at Jack's wide eyes. “On your back.”

Jack laid down, spreading his legs and bending them at the knees, giving Alex easy access to whatever he wanted to do.

He positioned himself between, aligning a lubricated finger with Jack's tight, not quite virgin hole.

“Alex,” Jack groaned, rubbing himself backwards, trying to get Alex's hands inside of him.

His finger was teasing, just barley entering and exiting. Jack's face was all twisted up, and Alex could tell he was suffering from just wanting it.

And he'd give it to him, that part was undoubted.

It was just a matter of when. Because he didn't want to yet.

A little further, until his entire finger was inside of him.

Jack was trying desperately to censor himself and keep the volume down. One of his own hands was wrapped around his mouth to prevent words.

“I shoulda brought a gag,” Alex teased. Jack's hips bucked. “You want a gag?”

He nodded his head quickly, hair flying everywhere. Alex couldn't really believe that this was the same kid from church camp.

“You want me to tie you up? Keep you writhing underneath me?” Alex continued to fuck him with now two fingers, sliding in and out at a fast rate and bumping into Jack's prostate every now and then.

His ass was ramming up against Alex, meeting him halfway and taking it all.

“I could lock you up in a pillory,” Alex mused, just letting ideas run rapid from his hushed lips. “And paddle you.”

“Oh god,” Jack moaned. Alex slid his fingers out one last time, pulling Jack up. He looked totally confused, and Alex laughed.

“I said I didn't wanna fuck you,” Alex said it like it should've been so obvious.

Jack stared at him, up and down.

“Dumb bitch,” Alex scolded. “Ride me,” he pulled him forwards, feeling Jack's heart pounding. He kissed him as reassurance.

The younger straddled his lap easily, his long legs being a blessing.

Jack wasted no time in hastily aligning parts, not even giving Alex a chance to slick up his rock-hard dick with lube.

“Fuck,” he groaned, staring as Jack slowly took his cock inch by inch, hissing in pain, but nowhere near the mood of giving up.

Jack nodded, saying something in response but Alex didn't really care enough to try and decipher the slurred syllables.

His eyes were nothing but lust as he watching Jack slide up and down, bouncing lightly in his lap and hearing the curses fall from his not-so-innocent lips.

“Slut,” Alex chocked, digging his fingers into Jack's tiny hips, not to control him, but to have even more feeling of the action.

Jack's head was back, and his hand was on his dick.

“Whore,” Alex moaned, feeling himself over the point of no return. “Shit, Jack,” he tightened his hold, fucking into Jack hard and fast.

The younger boy twisted his hand, pumping up and down quickly.

Alex felt the walls of his ass close in around him, tightening while the boy himself slowed down completely. Alex thrusted upwards, reminding Jack he was still there while he came hard on both their stomachs.

Jack bounced a little more, riding out his orgasm to the best he could.

Alex came too, just as fast. His body coated in sweat and everything else coated in pure Jack.

The boy climbed off, still submissive, and knelled beside Alex. You could tell his lips were hungering for a kiss.

He reached out his arm, cupping his chin and almost connecting their mouths, but Jack pulled away.

“Y-You aren't,” his cheeks colored, and he said no more, just knelt down and started to lick and suck at Alex's stomach, cleaning off his own cum from the elders stomach.

“Good,” Alex grinned, tired out but willing to play along for however far Jack planned on going.

The younger bit at his hip, leaving a mark of his own to match the one Alex had left on his neck.

It was an hour later, they were both clean and smelling squeaky clean thanks to a rushed Mexican shower.

Alex was sitting on the couch, his legs open, with Jack in between them. His back was pressed flat against his chest. In Jack's lap, the promiscuous laptop was perched on his knees.

They were watching something, Alex didn't really know what anymore. There was two boys, grinding on each other and having one crazy make out session that you would really only ever honestly see in a porno.

Jack rested against him, Alex's hand rubbing softly on his own. He closed the laptop screen, pushing the laptop away and down on the floor. Alex heard it land with a slight bang, but otherwise sounded fine. Besides, why would he care about a laptop when Jack was turning around, straddling him again and hooking his arms around his neck?

“Please don't tell me we're going for round two,” Alex laughed as Jack kissed his neck.

“We could,” he winked.

“Unless you plan on risking shower sex,” he chuckled. “Because I could really use one of those.”

Jack continued to kiss on his neck, working his way upwards.

“Don't you have a bedtime?” Alex whined.

“We cuddle before bed,” Jack shrugged, earning more laughter from Alex.

“Bedtime,” he decided, easily picking Jack up and carrying him to his bedtime.

“I'm not five!” He fought, while emitting breathless laughter and half assed kicks into the empty air.

“You haven't said the safe word,” Alex reminded him. “Therefore we're still going. And it's bedtime,” he kissed his nose.

Jack made a satisfied hum. “That one,” he pointed down the hallway and into an empty room. It was all the way down to the other side of where Evan and Miles were slumbering.

Alex swung the door open with one hand, resting Jack on his hip much like how earlier Jack had held Miles. He made his way to the large blue bed, the comforter being one solid shade the color of the ocean outside the window.

He laid Jack down easily, his body leaving an instant imprint in the mess of fluff. The boy crossed his arms, childish, and made an annoyed whine in the back of his throat.

“Don't be bitchy,” Alex laid beside him, pulling their bodies close and feeling Jack swing a leg around his hip.

“Not bein' bitchy,” he yawned.

“You really are tired,” he mused, enjoying the moment. Jack's eyes were closed, his head barley moving up and down to nod a yes.

Alex kissed him again, whispering goodnight on his reddened lips and awaiting until he was sure the boy was fully asleep.

He gently stood, exiting the room and wandering back downstairs to lounge on the couch like hours before.

Dave and Alicia entered the house just a few minutes after, giggling and clinging to each other while she handed Alex a random sum of bills from her Coach purse.

“Come back tomorrow night?” Dave asked Alex as he dropped him off at the house.

“Same time,” Alex nodded, smiling to himself as he pushed the door open and clambered back inside.

pairing!jalex, bottom!jack, slash, fetish, rating:nc-17, top!alex

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