Aug 06, 2004 23:03
Since I now have the convinence of sitting in bed at 11:04 with a laptop, I do believe I may be able to actually update my livejournal.
I miss my cadets. For those of you whom I haven't talked to in the last few weeks (which would be most of you) I had the pleasure of hosting a CAP exchange cadet from Scotland. Her name was Jaclyn and she was by far the cutest nicest girl in the whole world. She totally made my week. Mark hosted 3 cadets: Nick and Tyler from Canada and Sanjay from England. There were two other cadets, Rueben, a self-made millionaire at 18 years old, and Alex who were both from Holland. These kids were awesome. I mean, they were all so young but had accomplished so much. Not only were they of the highest rank in their version of CAP, but they had so much going for them outside of CAP as well. For instance, Rueban owns and operates his own safari airline. He "communtes" to South Africa like every 2 weeks because he is a co-founder of a business that takes tourists for safari flights in Africa. How freaking awesome is that?! He already owns 3 planes and drives a beautiful Jaguar. He had his pilots license at 17. Crazy. So they've come and gone but we had a great time while they were here and I hope to visit at least Jac and Sanjay next summer.
I've been real busy working at Carlson Vet this summer. Best place ever. A lot of people tell me they could never work at a vet and its true that some of the things I have to do there are less than desirable but I love spending time around animals and the boarding kitties are the best. So its a dream come true for me, really.
Great night tonight. Went and saw M Night Shylaman's "The Village" which I thought was excellent with my baby, Megs, Whitey, and Sri. Poor Sri had shoulder surgery a week ago today and we needed to get him out of the house. We had a really good time getting yelled at by mall security cuz we were still eating when the mall closed. Whitey thinks it was because he's black. And Meg drives like a man. But that's okay because we still love her.
I miss my Ashley. She left me for her lesbian camp. Well, its not really a lesbian camp but the only other people that I know that go there are lesbians so I call it the lesbian camp.
Peace out cub scout.