One of the worst weeks in existence and it's not over yet!!!

Mar 31, 2007 18:30

I have had the worst week imaginable!
It all began on Tuesday when I was at work and right before I was about to leave I felt like I could almost pass out. I had to run to the bathroom and stick my head until the cold water faucet to come back from it. It continued the rest of the day, by 9:00 that evening I was balled up under the sheets on my bed with several layers of clothes on shaking like crazy because I had the chills and felt like my head was going to explode. I missed an exam I had in molecular on Wednesday and my  6 zebra danios that I have had for only had for about 3 weeks started to die one at a time. Thursday I managed to drag myself to my two classes I had. I then proceeded to go back and study for a Histology exam that I had on Friday while trying not to cough up my lungs. Come Friday morning I had lost my voice completely and still felt like my head was in a vice. I ended up not taking the histology exam so I now have to take it Monday after I have my histology lab practical. Oh what fun...
All this while I have been losing fish left and right. The water checked out fine and everything else seemed perfect except that one fish at a time kept acting all fucked up and flashing and breathing heavy. I lost two before I had a chance to get to up to the pet shop to get an opinion on what the hell was going on. The only other thing I could think was parasitic, but the guy told me that he didn't think it was and told me to dose the aquarium with aquarium salt to see if it would help things. It sure as hell did not. I couldn't add the anti-parasitic that they had anyway because there are 2 gold snails in the same tank and it would kill them very quickly. I lost all but two fish by Friday and I hoped that they would make it because they weren't exhibiting symptoms. So I wake up this morning and the other two are quite dead. One so dead that the snails made a meal from him and there wasn't much left for me to scoop out. 
I have managed to get the flu, get bronchitis, and kill off $30 of fish (these zebra danios were glofish so they were $5 a fish) in less than 6 days. I have one exam to make up on Sunday and two exams to make up on Monday. I think I have set a new record for the shittiest week in my life. I just hope that come Wednesday everything will be over and I can have a restful Easter Break going fishing and eating good home-cooked food.
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