December Looms

Nov 30, 2009 23:53

Originally published at You can comment here or there.

Very shortly, December will be here.

Looking back on the year past is the inevitable consequence of this.

Thing is, since I tend to loop my year with the end of October, I've already been doing the annual introspection bit for a month or so now.

Can't say I'm all that impressed with most of what I've done this year. Mostly because there really isn't a lot.

Sure, I showed up at a lot of things (that is, after all, my running joke... which I'm sure has worn quite thin with those who hear it all the time), but actually doing something I can put my name on or otherwise lay claim to? Nope. Not really much at all.

There's a handful of blog posts. But those haven't happened as regularly or with as much quality as I would have liked. Working to shore that up for the end of the calendar year, but it may be too little, too late, to really make a difference in how I feel about it all.

The numerous projects I started over the past 12 months or so? Every last one of them still sits nowhere near ready for public consumption, if they've even gotten to the point where there's something to look at. Again, attempting to make a mad-dash to make good by the end of the calendar on a couple of projects that I've been doing for other people.

There's really not much more than that from my (unwritten) "List of Things to Do Before 2010." Which makes it even a little more of a downer that I didn't manage to pull off more little things along the way.

Mostly, my time's been taken up with day-job work spilling over into my off-time (if not actually, then mentally, as I really try to find my place in the scheme of things Content-related) and health-related things (having that sarcoidosis pop up in February really put a huge kink in a lot of things, as have the mostly useless doctor's appointments and random bits of exhaustion that have come out of nowhere every now and then).

I'm in no less debt than I was a year ago, thanks to the credit cards upping their rates across the board and the newly acquired medical-related debt. This makes any number of other things difficult.

All in all, though, I'm still quite happy with life. I never did want to be famous or all that well known, so having a solid group of people who actually give a damn around me is more than enough for that interaction--a number bolstered by anyone who accidentally stumbles across these words on the big canvas of the Web.

Expect more ramblings like this over the next month. It really should all culminate in a few Big Announcements that I've been holding off on while I've attempted (and failed) to get things in place.

Yeah, time to kick off a new decade with some good stuff. Just a few more things to get done before then...

plans, random, kier duros

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