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Aug 19, 2009 15:49

Yeah, I haven't been writing much lately. Definitely not as much as I'd like to.

Lots of things going on. Busy at work. Been exhausted during and after (probably some mix of not sleeping enough and fighting off the sarcoidosis resurgence). Also been out doing many, many thing.

Promise of updates soon is hereby made. :)

But, tonight I'll be out at The DC Bloggers Meetup. If any of you who put words out for the world to see are interested, this happens once a month. Details for this month (for those who don't bother clicking the handy link I've provided there): 7:00 p.m. at Madams Organ (in Adams Morgan).

And tomorrow night is Refresh DC, 7 p.m. at AARP (601 E Street NW). It's a design-centered talk, so all you people who make websites pretty should drop by. I probably won't be there as I've been made a better offer for the evening, involving Hong Kong action/horror/gore and a good friend. :)

Now... if I can get through the night without being seriously rained on, that'll be a bonus...


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