Blind Till Now Takes the Stage and Rocks the House

May 19, 2009 01:46

Originally published at You can comment here or there.

I don't often go out to live shows. I'm not a music person (a lot of my friends are, and some of the knowledge rubs off, so I can almost hold my own in a conversation on the topic), but I do love to see what people I know create.

So, on 15 May, I made the trek down to Jaxx in Springfield to see some people I know on stage. Blind Till Now (pictured above, Video here) were on stage together for the first time. They rocked... and have been requested by numerous people to perform more/get cds or mp3s available and things like that.

The other band I kind of knew people in was Ego Likeness, a local favorite that I've seen perform more times down in Atlanta than I have locally. (All thanks to Dragon Con, of course.) As expected, they also rocked.

The other two bands, Middle Child Syndrome and show headliner Bella Morte, were pretty good, too. No pictures of them because, well, I wasn't getting great pictures to begin with and I don't know any of the people in those bands.

Overall, a good night and I'm really glad I went out. Not much better excuse to hang out with people than to all support the same mutual friends.

pictures, nights out, kier duros, music, friends

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