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This is just a quick thought, something that can (and will) be developed and explored a little more fully as time goes on here.
As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a man of science as well as a man of faith. One foot in each world, as firmly planted as I can manage. That’s how it’s always been and that’s how I’m hoping to keep it until either I’m forced to pick just one side or until the world catches up and can hold both ideas in the popular consciousness without serious dissonnance. (I’m hoping for the latter.)
Over the years, I’ve read more than a little on the physiological, chemical and psychological intricacies of brain/body/world interaction. The main conclusion I’ve come to is: it’s some pretty darn complex stuff that we’re not even close to fully understanding just yet.
The secondary conclusion is that, once we do understand all the science behind it, we’ll be able to do the most amazing things. Or, at least, the people who understand the science will.
That’ll leave a whole lot of people out of the loop.
This is where the Metaphysical Framework comes in.
Over the course of human history, non-scientists have come up with a whole lot of little things that echo, in one way or another, a lot of the science we’re just getting to now (mostly thanks to wonderful new imaging technologies that let us spy on the inner workings of our brain). Through the metaphores and imaginings that have come about from observation and trial and error, our ancestors managed amazing things.
Perhaps one of the most amazing was working out their own mental well-being. What we do now with therapists and big name drugs, they did with their religious leaders and natures bountiful psychotropic crops. Long before modern psychotherapy developed, the faithful worked through their problems from within the framework of their religious beliefes.
It seems that the trend toward beliving in the metaphysical is an intrinsic part of what we are as humans. And, this is the important part, it’s helped us make due in an unkind world for millennia.
None of this is to say that we should eschew science and focus on metaphysics. Quite the contrary-I think we should work harder at understanding the classic metaphysical remedies through our modern science.
But when it comes down to it, it is infinitely easier to get your average person on the street to help themselves via some well worded metaphors, internal visualizations and repeated mantras than it is to get them to understand that the root of their problem is some mis-firing neurons that, with the proper bio-feebdack equipment, they could re-train to work correctly.
Why a metaphysical framework for development? Because the entry bar is lower and the return on effort is quicker (if applied correctly).
Yes, there have been many, many people who’ve taken advantage of that, causing all sorts of grief for those who sought their help. But even the medical profession and the world of hard science are riddled with charlatans.
No way is exempt from abuse… but no way is also the only way to solve problems.
The metaphysical framework is a tool. When wielded with skill and morality, it can do much to make life better for others. When brought to bear along with more modern techniques (like modern medicine), the benefit to body and soul (or, if you must, percieved mental well-being) is more amazing than anything else out there.