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All too often those who focus on the Dark Side of things see only evil things.
It is an unfortunate thing.
We quickly forget that Dark does not equate to Evil just as Light does not equate to Good. We forget that Good and Evil are labels we humans have created for things that just are. (Of course, once we created them, we more than adequately populated them with other things of our own creation-so there is, indeed Evil and Good out there.)
Without the Dark, we wouldn’t know Light. We are creatures of dichotomy, ruled by our concept of opposites, blinded by our own ideals and trapped by our preconceptions of what is and what is not.
In the Dark, many of those divisions and diversions fade away. First to a dull gray then into the formlessness that darkness brings.
It is in that dark, quiet place where many of us first hear our true selves speak. It is in the Dark that we become most easily connected to that which is all around us.
It is also in the Dark where we can most easily fall prey to malicious forces-be they from within our own minds or external.
Any initiate worth his mettle has passed through the Dark and emerged with deeper knowledge of self and Universe. It is only through such a journey that one can find balance.
Tonight, the light of the full moon will be eclipsed by the projected Darkness of the Earth. A more or less regular occurrence, astronomically speaking. But metaphorically speaking, it is an opportunity to symbolically explore what happens if you remove yourself from the reflected light that you hold so dear.
If you walked through the Darkness, imagine what you could emerge with. Can you go to that place? Or does your fear hold you back? Do you have the strength to leave the warmth and illusionary security of the Light to make the journey? Do you have the strength to not linger in the Dark longer than you must?
Light and Dark are both natural and inhuman. We have personified them and pigeon holed them into Good and Evil. Everything holds it’s own illusions. Only those who dare to poke at the walls will be able to find what is real and what can be walked through.
Have you explored the Dark?