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How to Crush Without Being Crushed. You can comment here or
The Character Crush-Also known as the Hollywood Crush or the Literary Crush. Can you fall for a fictional character? You bet you can. This is a pure fantasy crush (for most people, except, of course, Katie Holmes-who did have a crush on Tom Cruise when she was
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Also CHiPs... Officer Jon Baker was my "boyfriend" from that show. (I told you my first crush was so long ago I couldn't possibly recall the details.) I can't remember the show well enough to remember what I liked about him, but note that his partner was the "usual" sex symbol, not my crush.
It continued with my Hollywood crushes for the rest of my life. Adric on Doctor Who. (He was a bratty mathemetician! In space jammies! What's not to love?) Dave Foley as he appeared on NewRadio. (He's timid! And from Wisconsin! Woot!)
It carries straight over to my dating life too. Anyone that seemed too "normal" was generally ruled out quickly. I think I dated one frat boy and that was it. (I was trying to be open-minded.) They were generally not, um, handsome either. My husband is one of few exceptions there. But note that he's one of the weirdest people that I've ever known.
Oh, and I see your Meg and raise you a Calvin. Not only did I love Calvin as a character, I desperately wanted to *be* Meg besides. (If you've read some of L'Engle's other books, you know she went on to have them married in later storylines.)
Hmmm... characters that you wanted to be. That's another interesting topic of discussion.
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