Holy crap! Desmond! Kinda "Just when you think you're out, they pull you back in" isn't it?
AAAA! Libby=Elizabeth!
AAAA Squared! Widmore of Widmore labs and stuff!
Oooooo Sayid is sneaky. Using the boat.
WTF? A big four toed foot?
Wait, the other guy who was in the hatch with Desmond was the same guy who got Sayid into torture? wow.
Kate looks very Lara Croft.
Shit! Eco go explody!
There's stuff under the hatch? Self distruct?
Ooo... Locke is cold hearted bastard "They're not my friends!"
Uh-Oh... whole camp was a set up. And that's a big pile of log books.
hmmm.. the old poison dart trick. That's gotta suck.
OK, no disease on the island, I guess.
D'oh! Killing your partner is a bad thing.
Oh crap. The button does need to be pushed. (Or that's one hell of a through illusion.)
Fuck. Plane brought down by electromagnetic death ray!
Crap! Henry's in charge! Slimy bastard.
Oh! They crashed in 2004! Finally, a date!
ooo... that's not covered under warranty.
oh. fuck. Bye Bye hatch... and Desmond. And Locke? And Eco?
Good guys my ass.
Hurley always gets the crap job.
And it ends with Charlie getting lucky? Do people really lack that much curiosity?
Oh... crap. Bigger world. And the island has been located!