Apr 17, 2006 11:58
It was a good weekend that has spilled into a kinda *blah* (at best) Monday.
It all started at about 5 a.m. when something I had eaten during the day conspired with the ongoing stress of impending financial doom to do very nasty things to my digestive tract. That is, of course, after I went to bed much later than I should have (as usual).
I managed to wrestle another 40 minutes of sleep or so from gastrointestinal demons, only to realize had forgotten to re-set my alarms to take into account I actually had a car for the morning trip to the metro.
It was cold and miserable outside. Never an encouraging thing to face, especially on a Monday. At least I didn't have to walk in it.
The day went from cold and miserable to hot and humid once I actually got into the office.
Seems we've been having some difficulty with our HVAC unit all morning. I'm guessing it's in the mid-70s to mid-80s in here. And since our hunk of the building was never actually supposed to have people in it all the time, the air circulation is non-existent.
About 45 minutes ago, we were told things were fixed and would be getting better in the next hour. There hasn't been much change at all.
Then again, maybe my brain has just melted.
I don't have a good feeling about this week.