Lost Musings...

Feb 16, 2006 23:42

Well, now things on the island are getting really interesting.

Just this last episode we've seen that Locke is getting a bit more erratic and forceful in his dealings with Jack. Jack, in turn, is getting more and more wrapped up in his own world--and damn anyone who gets in his way. Sawyer is doing his best to make everyone hate him. And poor Mr. Gale (wonder if he's any relation to Dorothy... I seem to remember she ended up somewhere over the rainbow in a strange land with strange people and all she wanted to do was get home...) has discovered that Sayid really is good at hurting people.

A couple of episodes back ("The Long Con"), Sawyer played everyone for a fool, with some help from Charlie (who's become quite the outsider these days), and got his hands on everything from the armory in the Swan bunker. He's even got Kate disliking him now. But in the most recent episode, we see that nature is once again grating on his nerves. Everyone remember that wild boar that was taunting him back in season one? The tree frog in this episode seems to be an echo of that. Of course, the frog didn't get off quite as easy as the boar did. Looks like our man Sawyer is really trying hard to crush his natural state of being on OK guy. The island isn't going to let that happen easily. Wonder what's next? Another polar bear? Maybe Kate's horse will kick some sense into him.

Even though Sawyer having the guns and Charlie being (effectively) cast out of the group has disrupted what I thought would be a nice two-way split in the group between Jack and Locke, it's obvious those two are really going to get into it at some point in the near future. There is no way they're going to be able to peacefully coexist with Locke always pushing Jack's buttons and Jack being so opposed to Locke's desire to, well, keep pushing The Button.

And speaking of The Button... that was some pretty funky slot machine-type spinning that went on after it reached zero. I'm pretty sure I saw at least one or two potential Dharma Initiative bunker/division symbols spin through. The far right looked like an Egyptian hieroglyphic of a hawk. Not sure what the deal with that is... yet. It did occur to me that there are five slots in that countdown clock. That's enough to hold images for five of the six bunkers. Could not pushing The Button cause something to happen in one of the other bunkers? Or is it all the classic psychological experiment where "It's very important that you always do this no matter what" that is really just backed up by empty threats?

Of course, there is some sort of virus that gets around on the island. Rousseau lost most of her crew to it. Gale said his wife died of it (if he's telling the truth, that is). All of the bunkers we've seen so far have quarantine warnings--on the inside of the doors, hinting that the occupants of the bunkers were told (at some point) it was dangerous to be outside. From what I can tell of what the next episode holds, that virus may come into play. It definitely looks like they'll be finding another bunker--one that appears to have a caduceus on it (meaning it's a medical facility).

The main theme of this episode ("One of Us"--a great nod to Tod Browning's Freaks) seems to be nature. We have Sawyer as a good guy who's trying so hard to be bad. We have Sayid, a once good man who learned to be bad so well that it's difficult for him to not fall back into it--no matter how hard he tries to be good. Jack's true colors as a control freak are starting to show. Locke is becoming a total fanatic (which, I suppose, will make him a great cult leader when the group splits). Even Charlie (who's barely in this episode) comes across a bit more lost than usual when Sayid talks to him--Charlie's still trying to figure out what his nature is (we saw it pretty clear in the last episode that he's capable of a whole lot of nasty things).

I love the writing on this show. It works so well on so many levels. Gives me a lot to think about and keeps me on my toes while watching it. You never know where another clue is going to pop in from.

lost, tv, commentary, series, toob talk

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