meet and greet

Oct 14, 2011 23:17

He had been 'awake' for four months and five days though things still felt like a dream. Nearly 70 years had gone by and he found what was written on paper was a poor substitute for experience and only served to make him regret his time locked in ice. Things interconnected too well and he could see the patterns and threads of what happened in the past lead to the future... or rather, the present. And if he had just been there...

There was culture training, books on psychology, sociology and recent military reconnaissance tactics, there was therapy and...

Steve felt if he focused on what had gone on in the last few months, he'd get dizzy and that was the last thing he needed on top of anxiety. His fingers brushed over the dossier that Agent Coulson provided him; a very faint introduction of his teammates. The SHIELD agents proper were censored near completely beyond their abilities, the only lone exception was the consultant and Steve couldn't blame them all for that breach of privacy. The idea of Howard Stark being a father was more reeling than finding out a African-American man was elected President of the United States.

Steve leaned back in his chair and sighed as he glanced up at the roof of the meeting room. He would have much rather speak to them after a training session.

But it wasn't 1944 anymore.

[OOC: Basically a meet and greet for just about any 'verse'. Mostly because I was slightly irked on the trailer and had to fully embrace the 'AU' of this character. I've also noticed when threading with a lot of you, there was a faint assumption they knew each other if not very well. So this might be how they met?]
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