(no subject)

Aug 06, 2011 20:06

CHARACTER NAME: Captain America aka Captain Steve Rogers
CHARACTER SERIES: Captain America: First Avenger


Backtagging: Yes!
Threadhopping: Of course!
Fourthwalling: Only on communities where it's appropriate. I the only one I know of is dear_mun and I don't post there. ... *eyes muse* Yet.
Slash: I am a fan of slash.
Het: I am a fan of het.
Smut: Personal LJ or appropriate comms and memes with prior threading and permission.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): The typical taboos.


Hugging this character: Steve isn't used to hugging though he's more familiar with joshing and getting pat on the back. However, he enjoys hugs and will hug back after a stunned moment. This doesn't apply to First Avengers muses whom he will readily hug back or muses that have bonded to him.
Kissing this character: Steve might flail a little bit (unless you're Peggy), but kissing from both genders wouldn't be entirely unwelcome... if he knows you. If not, expect to be shoved away and confused noises if you're a guy.
Flirting with this character: It depends. Sometimes  flirting flies over his head. If he does notice a woman flirting with him, he will turn red (yes, even Peggy) and he might get a little tongue tied. Flirting with men may go over his head or confuse him.
Fighting with this character: If appropriate to our thread, yes.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): If appropriate to our thread, yes. Steve is pretty hardy but is only peak human. He can break bones or have his organs injured or be burnt. He resists the cold fairly well, though.
Killing this character: No.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: It is possible, but Steve has a very strong will and will take a couple of posts for it to work... and he will be working the entire time to break the hold.
Warnings: None. :D Mun and Muse are +18.

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