Aug 11, 2005 05:52
Making entry's at 6 or around the hour of six every day for this past week. I'm not tired, mostly in thanks to the MIRACLE that is coffee. Tastes gross, but works fast and I'm suprised at how non tired I am. I love you coffee. We are now friends. *makes out with the idea of coffee*
On a darker note, I am not friends with Target. It looks like they're actually gonna hire me now, after making me totally go through all this stress this better be the easiest best fucking job in the universe. And that employee discount? Better be fucking awesome. Does 95% off sound about right to you? Does to me... freakin ass spankers.
Anyway, everyone else's life is boring. Jake says my recent entries are perky. I don't do perky so therefore I'm gonna make something up so you can all think I'm not perky anymore. How about I... make up a poem on the spot about how not perky I am.
The darkness in my soul
is like the darkness of my coffee
at 6 in the morning
as I slit my palms open
and watch Buffy repeats
on FX
I remember with gloom
that school starts on monday
and I crucify myself
on my kitchen counter
using some steak knives
I need some money
to buy some coke
to snort from a toilet seat
because I think I saw it in a movie
Yeah that's not a poem. But bear with me. I don't have more riveting things to talk about, like what tennis outfit I should buy.