(no subject)

Aug 24, 2007 21:12

Well, fall semester's about to begin, which means it's time for my bi-annual Week of Panic and Despair. --Well, no, it's not that bad. At least, not this year. However, Half-Ass U (as many of my family members fondly refer to it) is being even more needlessly obstructive than usual. I'd post all the details, but that would be... way too long... Sufficeth to say that a class I was going to take suddenly turned out to possibly have prerequisites, forcing me to wrestle the new school e-mail system into submission so I could e-mail my advisor for (counterintuitively) advice. She was out 'till next week anyway, as it turned out, and to make the whole affair even more pointless, I found out today the class has been canceled anyway. Ah, well; at least this way I had more time to work out a contingency plan and therefore didn't have to freak out.

On the negative side, my Wednesday hours are 11-9. X_X It is possible this may kill me. But: I usually deal with this crap well enough, even if I can never for the life of me remember how. Least it's only three days a week, and the other two are shorter.

This also proves I still have the capacity to be struck speechless by how utterly useless my school's computer systems are. I swear, they could've taken a bunch of kids from any 3000-level (junior) programming class, given them two weeks, and paid them in kegs up front and come up with something less useless and infuriating than the crap they've got now. (I've got a feeling that line's gonna come up in a fic one of these days-- I always figured you might as well make use of your misery.)

Now I'm going to go and try to actually get some writing done, like I've been spectacularly failing to all week...


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