(no subject)

Sep 26, 2008 07:07

So in the only DW fic I've managed to work on, I'm actually trying to be reasonably nice to Ten. The things he has done are not entirely his fault, even if he left the door wide open and begged evil to come in. I'm doing my best to leave some ambiguity.

This bit, however, might be a little mean.


"A wizard," says the Lonely God. "Donna Noble. I don't believe it."

"I'm rather insulted I was so easy to forget. I think the little chav is getting to you."

"Oh, he is not," says the Lonely God, affronted.

"'When a Power enters the physical planes, It must accept the limitations of physicality'," she sing-songs. "He's corrupting you. He's so dense he's actually corrupting you. I shouldn't have thought it was possible."

"He is NOT!" the Lonely God yells. "He's nothing LIKE me!"

"You just spent the last five minutes telling me how he was EXACTLY like you, these days!" Donna yells back. "My God, he has sapped your brain!"

"I-- I--" He shakes his head furiously. "Well, it's hardly MY fault you humans are so blindingly stupid! I told them it was a bad idea, Creation that is-- I said, Are you seriously going to let these little apes have free run of entire physical planes? They'll find a way to kill us all, you mark my words! But no, nobody would listen, you were just the sweetest little things they'd ever seen and which one of those idiots developed the concept of 'cuteness' anyway? It's positively revolting, I'd kill them if it wouldn't destroy the fabric of all existence and I remembered which it was. Anyway I told them you had to have a time limit to stop the amount of damage you could figure out how to do, and it worked, didn't it? It's a brilliant idea, really, and aren't you very fond of time when it comes down to it, how everything happens in an order? Your ape brains would explode from it otherwise. Really you ungrateful brats owe me a favour. You should be down on your knees worshipping me right now. There's tribes that'll do that for cows and not for me. You just don't know when someone's trying to be nice to you."

He shakes his head again, and opens his mouth, and stops when he sees the look on her face.

"...Christ on a telephone pole," he mutters, "I'm talking like the brainless wonder."

"Told you," says Donna.


I may actually finish this fic. Astonishing, given how damn little I've been writing recently.

In other news: my grandfather's still sick in various confusing ways that the doctors outright refuse to explain (but he does seem to be on an upward trend at the moment), I now have a nametag at my library volunteer gig, and my cousin claims to be engaged.

Forgive my unromantic skepticism, but he's known the girl for two months, outside. If they actually make it to February 14th, I'll concede they've got a chance. I wish I knew what in the hell he was thinking, but I doubt I'd understand. But you never know.

life, doctor who, fic

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