*whew* My week is fairly stuffed with schoolwork alone, not to mention any fic-work I'm trying to get done on the side... Next week, besides trying to get up on other schoolwork while I can, I have a ten-page research paper I need to look into (top of my list: what the topic is), so, for practical purposes, how much I will exist in the coming days
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I tried watching The Impossible Planet. Maybe it was because it was the tail end of a mini-marathon on BBCA, but I just could not pay attention. (That and my inner half-informed science nerd keeps yelling "Impossible how, exactly?! Is it the evil thing in the core of the planet? Is it inside the event horizon, too close to the tidal pulls? Should it have been blasted in the supernova? It's not just because it's orbiting a black hole, is it? Please tell me it's not *just* because it's orbiting a black hole...!" A little knowledge of astronomy is a seriously dangerous thing.)
And naturally I adore your icon for all the wrong reasons. ^_^ I hope you don't mind.
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